Chapter 2- A 'fun' reunion

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Daniel's POV

I walked inside to be met with two very angry co-workers of mine, Jessica and Bradley. "The boss wants to see you again you Bastard, get your stuff and go see little Bitch.." Jessica hissed, walking behind the counter as Bradley walked over to the tables and started cleaning them up. I sighed heavily, walking to the back of the cafe into the staff room and to a door at the back room, I knocked three times, waiting for a minute before hearing a, " Come in Daniel..."

I opened the door and slowly stepped into the office, "Sir, before you say anything I'm truly sorry for whatever I did-" "My Dear Boy, don't apologize! You did nothing wrong!! I just asked for you because I wanted to raise your payment!" My Boss, Mr Jones, was an old, kind and understanding man who didn't lose his temper much. "Sir! I can't let you do that! You know that if you raise it even higher you will go broke!" I exclaimed, this always happened pretty much every two months. He knows what happens between me and the other two, and he has given them plenty of warnings but they never listen.

He sighed nodding, "Of course, you have a point, Danny Boy...Thank you for doing so much for this place, I know it's hard sometimes because of those two...Especially Jessica..." "Sir, please don't...I understand fully that she is your granddaughter and you don't want to hurt her, don't feel bad about me please...I've faced worse" I smiled, walking to the door and opening it, "I'll get to work! Good-bye" "Good-bye Daniel!" I smiled and closed the door behind me, taking a deep breath before going back to the front.

"You Bitch! Get over here now!! We are opening in five!" Jessica screamed, running to look at herself in the glass where the ice-cream was kept, applying way too much red lipstick, I'm surprised she's not in a Strip Club by now, her skirts are always too short and her shirt was undone so much that her too-small breasts and freakishly bright undergarments show. "I know I know shut the hell up and stop with the make-up already!" I said, grabbing my notepad and pen as well as my nametag. I heard her mumble underneath her breath, "Fucking Slut..." which caused me to glare at her, shutting her up in the process as the first crowd of people came inside.

After serving for several hours, it was time to clean up and close up for the day. As the last customer walked out of the door I turned around to be greeted with a hand to the face, "How dare you complain to my Grand Daddy!! You are an attention-seeking Motherfuker" Jessica screamed, Bradley stood behind her silently. Bradley was the type of guy who is always silent, and who doesn't want to get involved much, "If you don't want me to complain to the boss...Then don't annoy the hell out of me! Every day you act more and more like a spoiled brat of a slut! Now go before I make hell out of you..." I snarled, seeing as all the courage completely faded away from her eyes and face as she went pale. She gulped, pushing me to the side and rushing out the door. I looked up at Bradley, "I'm sorry Brad...I didn't mean to make her upset-" "It's ok, I would have said the same thing..." he smiled, tapping my shoulder and walking out, leaving me alone in the shop to clean.

After another half hour, I finished cleaning. I walked out after dumping my things on a chair and locked the door, sighing I started walking back to my apartment. On the way there I felt as if someone was following me, I glanced at the window on my left to see a tall figure, around the same height as me but an inch taller following me from behind. I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace, hearing both my footsteps and Mr Dickwads behind me. I stopped suddenly, causing the guy to bump into me, giving me enough time to turn around, kick his legs from under him, wrap my legs around his waist and putting him in a headlock on the ground. "The fuck do you want Mother Fucker..." I growled, my voice going like ten octaves lower.

All of a sudden I was flipped over onto my back and straddled by my waist, the guy's face came closer to mine whispering, causing my eyes to widen, "Isn't this a fun reunion...Baby Boy-" "Jason-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. The guy I hate but love at the same is here, back in my life, kissing me?!

What the hell is he doing back here?

(J-Hope you enjoyed<3<3<3<3)

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