Stalking an unknown shadow

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As the heros finished of the mobs in there way they found them selfs in a dark cave the drawf looked at the blocky sun and told his friend "..oh look at the time! Well the jaffas won't eat them selfs!" The nervous drawf told his friend backing out of the dark."come on Simon how bad can it be?" Lewis told him reaching out his hand "well seeing you need me soo much I can spear the time" the drawf said back with a smirk nothing but a giggle came after that remark. as they Adventure deeper in the cave the more darkness they see. "Lewis look!" The Drawf pointed out a shining light in the tunnel Infront of them as the walked closer a shadow of a familer figure showed. they hid quickly only to see a pale man in a dark suit the heros pulled out there weapons ready to fight when Lewis turned to his shakeing friend next to him "il go attack stay here and wait il tell you when to strike" the drawf nodded in reply. As Lewis sneaked up to him he was about to strike when a flash of white burned his eyes leaving him screaming in pain the pale man turn to see him stumble and pushed him to the ground "what now hero?" He said in a dark tone and laughed at his pain.lewis reached out his hand to his friend begging for help " me!" The drawf looked at him but just ran leaving his best friend behind "now hero will this be the end to your useless life?" The pale man asked him as he scowls "what?" The hero said in a confused tone before he knew It his life about to end. "Don't worry will en-" he Lewis was in to much pain he couldent hear he looked around as his vision became a blur a figure attacked the pale villain as Simon ran to his pled trying to help. the things around him became black he found himself weak agenst all odds ironic for a hero. As the darkness took Lewis away he heard mumbles in the dark "hero" as spooking by a mysterious voice it's tone sounded like a girl..crying out for help "h-hello?" Lewis choked out wondering where he was. "Hero..hero..hero.." The spinechilling words filled the air he looked around for signs of life when two white cubes appeared Infront of him. "Who's there!" He yelled nothing but the words from before was heard. His body started to shake in fear and worry his brain was filled with pain and fear "why won't you leave me alone!" He yelled falling to his knees thinking that his strength would regain but only showed he was at his end. The words started to make his ears bleed "s-Simon.." He managed to choke out as he gave in to the darkness laid across the floor bleeding and mumbling slowly the words "hero..hero..". "Lewis?" He heard from the darkness he felt he was on the floor of the cave with cold blood across his chest he opened his eyes to see his old friend "s-Simon?" He said getting up slowly. His vision was blurred still he looked next to the dwarf to see someone else. "Simon..who's that?" He asked his friend slowly reaching for his sword in case his friend was not to be trusted. "Um? Oh her! She's the one who saved you" Simon replyed smiling "s-saved me.." Lewis froze and thought to him self 'then where was I?'.

Chapter one

A hero's past

"I'm sorry I was to late to save you two" she said to them bowing "I-it's nothing" Lewis said to her as Simon helped him up. "What's your name?" Simon asked her thinking about trusting her "I'm brin" she told them smiling "I already know who you are" she said to them they looked back confused "wait...what?" "Come on Lewis where heros!" Simon said to Lewis flexing "true but.." "Nnaaaawww! Is little Lewis scared!" Simon said hugging him "hey! Let go of me you crazyed drawf!" Lewis said laughing. Brin expanded everything about her (most of it) "wait..let me get this own a town?!" Simon said looking shocked she giggled "no my father did..but he gave it to my goody two shoes brother" she said crossing her arms "really what was his name?" Lewis asked picking up his stuff (still..) "Markus..he's such a nerd" she replyed. She lead the heros out of the cave to her brothers town to heal Lewis's wounds "how far is town?" Simon asked her "not far..why?" She replyed turning around to see Simon helping Lewis walk. "Hero? Are you ok?" She asked him he looked at her his skin was pale "i-it's..nothing" he replyed hiding his face. "let's just set camp" she told them as she start to place down a chest for there stuff. It was midnight simon and brin was sleeping Lewis laid awake under the bright cube moon. Suddenly a voice came from behind a tree "hero" it sounded like a little girl "not this again.." Lewis whispered to himself the a giggle came from behind the tree "hero,hero,hero!" The voice said again with a happy tone "what?" Lewis sat up to look around he saw the tree the voice came from. There stood a ghost a young girl she giggled a skipped away "w-wait! Come back!" Lewis yelled to her getting up. He followed her threw the woods to a cave "this way hero!" She giggled to him walking in the cave Lewis followed her the cave seemed to last forever when they came to a halt to white cubes appeared Infront of her she ran to Lewis and grabbed him arm "hero!" Lewis was confused of her fear when he looked to the cubes again a man stood with his hands over his eyes. "Hero!" She cried running away "wait!" Lewis yelled to her he turned his back the man for a second when he looked back his hands was by his sides and his eyes where closed "what the.." Lewis was both terrified and confused. He backed away from the man turning to check if the exit was still there as he turned back he froze the mans hand held a fresh bleeding blood stained eye ball. The man started to walk towards Lewis dropping the eye in the progress Lewis stood there like he was stuck to the floor, as the man got closer the ground cracked opened behind the man causing the ground to shake making Lewis trip onto the floor "what are you?!" Lewis yelled at him the man got closer and stepped to Lewis ribcage and keeping him down to the floor. the man started to smile when blocks of stone formed to make a line shot out of the mans back. The man stepped on Lewis harder wishing his ribs would crack when a arrow flew past his head forcing him to back away from Lewis. As Lewis turned to see who tried to shoot him he saw a dwarf holding a bow and yelling "GET AWAY FROM LEWIS YEAH BUGGER!!" As Lewis turned back to the man he was gone and all he left was the eye ball on the floor still bleeding fresh blood.

Stalking an unknown shadowWhere stories live. Discover now