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Music Drabble Challenge


· Put music on shuffle

· You may write only for the duration of the song.

· Only play the song once.

· Minimum 10 drabbles

Song: Pulse

Artist: Icon for Hire

Pairing:No pairing. Ruki focused.

Ruki was quiet during the interview. Usually he was the one who answered the most questions. Usually the questions were about the lyrics or about what to expect during the next round of lives. This time, he let Kai speak the most. He wasn't really into it this time. The label had completely turned the tables on them. Only moments ago, they'd been informed that moving forward they would have to work with a lyricist. Why?

He hated it. There was nothing wrong with what they were doing before, and he could write about what mattered to him. Now, they had to write for mass market. What bullshit, he thought. The others agreed, too. The mood during this interview wasn't the best, as they were all a little annoyed about the change.

Leaving the room when they were done, Ruki turned around and looked at them. "We all have to be thinking the same thing, right?"

They looked at each other.

"It's time to make our own label."

Song: Can't Help

Artist: Jule Vera

Pairing: Aoi x Mina (FOC)

Mina had been told countless times not to date a band member. She had been involved with band members before and always had her heart broken. So, of course her family and friends told her 'Don't do it'. But she just couldn't listen this time. She met Aoi, and she was hooked. He was dark and twisted, with a temper he couldn't quite control. There were times when he didn't speak for days, focused on his writing. Mina didn't care because when he was with her, it was incredible.

There were no bad feelings between them, only this indescribable trust. There was nothing like that in her previous boyfriends or interests. He actually cared. She couldn't help but wonder if it would end the same as before, but the thoughts never lasted long once he would kiss her.

Song: Love Me (Acoustic Version)

Artist: Lights and Felix Cartal

Pairing: Aoi x Uruha

Uruha checked to see if he'd gotten a text from Aoi for the tenth time that day. He'd sent a brief message this morning asking about getting together that afternoon. He didn't know why he would expect a response. It always took Aoi forever to answer him. Sometimes it was days later and there would be a quick 'sorry, I didn't have my phone with me' and a promise to hang out again soon. Really, Uruha should just expect that at this point.

Still, he was always eager to spend time with Aoi. He didn't want to admit it, but he had feelings for his fellow bandmate. The way that Uruha felt whenever they were together, writing music, was enough for the blonde to fall hard for Aoi.

Aoi, however, didn't seem interested in spending time with Uruha outside of band practice. He was always off doing something with his other friends or family. Uruha didn't mind that so much. Of course, his friends and family were important but Uruha wished that Aoi would at least care enough about him to bother responding right away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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