Chapter 11

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3rd Person's POV

 Andrea stopped dead at her tracks as she seemed to heard a faint scream echoed to across the hallway, causing her to turn suddenly turn around to look up the the staircase that they had just passed, grabbing the attention of the other two that were with her. As they also stopped to curiously looking at her.

"Something's wrong Andrea?"Richard asked, evident tone of worriedness latched within the brunette's voice causing Andrea to look back at him immediately

"O-Oh. I just think I-I heard something..." She said as a faint smile wretched onto her face, showing a bit of her freckles.

"Wait, you heard that as well?" Jhared suddenly bursted out, turned around completely, facing her.

"Heard what?" Richard asked as he looked at the both, asking himself if he also heard that sound.

"You know what, fudge it let's check it out"He added, a wave of confidence washing over him as he was the curious yet out-going type.

The other didn't replied as they followed Richard through the stairs, as they finally reached the stairs a faint smell of blood starting fill the surroundings.

"Holy shit, what's the smell?" Andrea covered her nose as they went step by step, and when finally turned around on the corner, Richard seemed to halt with eyes wide.

Andrea look and covered her mouth to see what's on the stairs, A hand, specifically, Andrew's Hand. looking down on the hand to examine the blood, its was still as fresh as normal. Andrea stood up and looked up on the stairs to see a faint shadow of someone, she rushed upstairs, the others following behind her, When they finally got on the floor, Andrea bursted a scream loud enough for the others down below to hear, as they were greeted by a ravishing body below.

A plethora of nervousness ran down to her spine as she look behind and hugged Richard as she can't take the horrifying view on her, a gruesome murder has happened again, and they did not expected to see who it is.... Andrew.

As the others were somewhat busy doing things, They all stopped as they heard a scream which seemed like Andrea's.

"That was Andrea right?" Daniel standing up from the couch he sat on earlier, a wave of worriedness gushing through out of him.

"W-Well.. Y-Yes." Jack stuttered as he reminisced the things that happened earlier.

"Andrew." Jonah blurted out as he closed the Harry Potter book he was reading, took a sop of his tea and stood up, rushing to the door as he opened it ravagely.

"Jonah, Wait!!" Dorty shouted as he also followed him, the others following aswell.

Daniel was the last one to get out of the room as he subtly closed the door, rushing to the others. They got on the second floor, looked left and right, nothing. They proceeded to the third floor where the three must be looking right now, still nothing. Finally reached the stairs to the fourth floor as they saw Richard hugging Andrea tight on the halfway to the floor, crying, the others look to see Jhared just staring down on something.

Enna, Zach, Jonah and Dorty were the first ones to look to see what's Jhared staring at, Zach just closed his eyes as he turned his head around, not wanting to see the body below, tears rolling down his face, As Jack approached him and hugged him, Zach not hesitantly hugged back as he could not hold his tears and cried on the hem of Jack's shirt.

Daniel looked just to see the horrifying a the gruesome body of Andrew, whose scalp open and the broken skull, to see his brain gushed out brutally, he also saw the knife he took that was pinned to his back, blood spilled around him. The others were just there. standing. 

But Daniel noticed something weird enough on Bailey that caused his hypothesis starting to become a little bit weird, Bailey was abruptly holding his left arm through his jacket, as he saw a bit of blood coming out of it, gripping it tightly for it not to bleed anymore, as Bailey looked up to lock eyes with Daniel, He put his hands down, putting his left arm in his pockets, acting like he didn't see it. This was very weird to Daniel as he knew Bailey would not act like that, but as the events of what happened, he guess its normal so he brushed it off.

Everyone was silent till Corbyn spoke, broking the silence that was filling the whole place.

"I guess that's the third one." Corbyn blatantly spoke through his lips, showing no emotion as he looked down to the body.

"This wouldn't happened if-" Jhared was cut off by a another scream, not a scream but a muffled plea of help around.

"That is very weird." Jhared added as he ran through the rooms, scanning the first one to find nothing.

Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, and Bailey followed him, leaving Richard, Andrea, Dorty, Enna and Jachary there. Jhared felt like they spark some chemistry or whatsoever. He panted as he let out shakily breaths from the running earlier, both hands on his knees as Daniel opened the door for them. Only to find someone tied on the floor.

He looked like he's in his twenties, dazzling brown eyes glew up on him as the storm stopped and the sun starts to rise again, Daniel feeling the sudden warmth of the rays gleaming on his back. He looked on the man to see it looked like Andrew himself.

Daniel hesitantly rushed over to him as he started to untie this mysterious person on this floor.

"Hey, Hey calm down, follow my breathe okay?" Daniel asked as the man followed his breathing.

As he finally seemed to calm down, Daniel got a closer look on the man, its true he clearly looked like Andrew..

"Andrew?" Jonah asked as they saw the clear face of the person. that was looking poorly, it looks like it hasn't eaten for days and the cuts and bruises scattered over his body.

The man teared up as he heard Andrew's name, crying on Daniel as he looped an arm around him, drawing circles on his back.

The man stopped crying as he brushed off the tears on his eyes and spoke.

"I'm not Andrew, I'm Keith, Keith Jheiame Amalfi Andrew's identical twin." everyone's eyes grew, except Bailey of course. He worked here as the longest time on the resort. As they were surprised on the man said.

"Wait, you are Keith? The Keith that Andrew said that was missing for 3 years?" Jhared asked. As he felt a tight constriction on his heart.

"Well, yes. That's me." Keith replied to him as he looked around the room, meeting eyes with Bailey as he shooked from the contact.

"He's dead, isn't it?" Keith asked.

"How did you know?" Corbyn asked.

"I'm literally just a room away, I heard his helpless cries ya know." He tried to joke, as he wiped off a tear that was on his eye.

"You heard all of it??"Corbyn added

"Seriously, do I have to repeat myself?" Keith sassily said, a straight line formed on his lips.

"Mhm, Very Andrew-like, I guess I have to accept that we have a Andrew 2.0 here." Jonah giggled trying to calm the situation down.

"Can I see him one last time please?"

Word Count: 1261

Author's Note!!!:

Shout out to mah boi ThatGuyJheith for the cover and the chapter idea :) (kinda)

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