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hyunjin arrived at jisung and chan's place. chan opened the door for him in his pajamas and a cereal bowl. chan let him in, it was normal for him to see him a lot nowadays. chan just wants jisung to move in with him already.

"jisung's in his room, probably shirtless too if wanna see." chan shrugged. hyunjin titled his head confused on why he even needed to know.

"okay?" hyunjin said. chan went back to the living room on the couch and continued to eat his cereal. hyunjin closed the door behind him, usually jisung would come down and great him by now. he was probably listening to music again at blasting volume.

hyunjin went to jisung's room and knocked on the door. no answer. he knock on it again and no answer. hyunjin got impatient and just opened the door.

jisung was laying on the bed with his headphones on so loud, hyunjin could faintly hear it. also like chan said he was shirtless.

jisung noticed hyunjin and frantically took off his headphones and blushed.

"i-i didn't hear you come in." jisung laughed nervously. jisung was going to get ready once he heard him come in but he couldn't hear him...

"well you had your headphones in dumbass." hyunjin chuckled.

"you're looking fine today, glad i came in at the right time." hyunjin smirked, jisung blushed again.

"SHUT UP!" jisung whined, hyunjin laughed. hyunjin came into the room and shut the door behind him.

"anyway you can go put a shirt on if you want. i prefer no shirt but whatever." hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"i'm putting a shirt on thank you very much. so i don't have to deal with your flirty attitude." jisung said getting up and grabbing a basic tee from his closet. hyunjin laughed.

"yeah yeah." hyunjin said, jisung put the shirt over his head and sat back down on his bed against the headboard, hyunjin day next to him. jisung rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder, hugging his arm.

"so what do you wanna do?" hyunjin asked.

"well chan's using the tv downstairs but we can use my really bad tv i have in here to watch something!" jisung said, hyunjin nodded. jisung moves away from hyunjin and reached over to grab the remote, struggling a bit before getting it.

jisung moved back over and clicked through movies on netflix. jisung picked a random series that looked good.

"cuddles?" hyunjin asked with a pout, jisung smiled and laughed.

"of course!" jisung moved to inbetween hyunjin's legs with hyunjin hugging his waist.

"you know i've been thinking." hyunjin said, jisung looked back at him slightly.

"and?" jisung asked.

"my first favorite day ever hasn't happened." hyunjin mentioned. jisung was confused for a second but then remember.

"w-well i mean, yeah it hasn't." jisung laughed nervously.

"i want it to happen. soon too." hyunjin said.

"o-okay." jisung stuttered, hyunjin moved closer to jisung faced but then put his hand between their faces.

"ha gotcha." hyunjin laughed, jisung pouted and crossed his arms.

"not funny." jisung whined, jisung turned back to the tv again.

"aw come on jisungie look at me. please?" hyunjin pouted and used the nickname hyunjin calls him when he wants something badly from him.

"fine." jisung looked back and hyunjin connected their lips together. hyunjin ran his fingers through jisung's hair too. hyunjin moved away after a second or so.

"gotcha again." hyunjin smiled and jisung smiled back laughing slightly.


that's gay

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