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"Come on Iris! We have to get to the club before they start charging cover!" Alexis was dragging me by the arm behind her. 'How does anybody run in these fucking shoes?' I thought. Women have been doing it in movies for years so it must be possible, I guess I just don't have the required amount of grace.

"Alexis, I'm coming I cant run in these shoes! It was your idea to play that stupid game and now we're late! How is that my fault?" MTQ was the hottest club in town partially for the DJ's, but mostly because they didn't start charging cover until 11pm, so if you got there early enough you could get in for free.

"Oh my God Iris if you can dance in them you can run in them now lets go! Just put one foot in front of the other and try not to break a hip grandma!" Grandma was my nickname from when we were in high school; Alexis, James, and I would go to a party and I was always the designated driver. After a couple of parties like that James called me grandma for not drinking and it stuck.

We got to the club with about fifteen minutes to spare and a long line of  people waiting to get in. "See Alexis there's a huge line. No way are we getting in before 11 lets just call it a night and go home!" 

"You think a little line is going to stop us from getting in? We are 2 extremely hot chicks with great racks. Just follow my  lead," I felt a little nauseous as we walked up to the bouncers. Alexis gave them both her biggest, brightest smile, grabbed the hem for her crop top and pulled it up to her neck.

Both bouncers just stared at her tits for a solid minute before the blonde one said, "go on in miss have a good night," 

"Can my friend come with me? I'd feel just awful leaving her out here all by herself," you can always tell when Alexis wants something because she gets this whiny voice and it she does it so well you can't say no.

"Of course she can miss. You ladies have a wonderful night."

"Perfect!" She jumped a little and I saw the blonde guy watch her tits bounce too. She grabbed my had again and before i knew it we were getting our stamps and checking our coats; we had made it into the club.

"I don't see James I thought he said he was going to meet us by the bathrooms." I said looking around at all the sweaty bodies searching for one I recognized. "Alexis? Alexis are you listening to me?" 

"Sorry Gran I'm not looking for James. He's so been there done that I'm looking at that code P right there," I followed her gaze to see a guy standing at the bar smiling over at us.

"Well before you ditch me for the rest of the night can you at least help me find James?"

"Ugh fine, but if someone else scoops that before I do there's going to be hell to pay," we did a quick lap of the perimeter of the club and made it back to the bathrooms. 

I was just starting to really worry when a very tall someone almost talked me to the ground. "I've got you now Iris! There's no escape! Rawwww!" James screamed in my ear.

"James! Oh my God could you not scream directly in my ear? I think I have permanent auditory damage!" I could feel my temper rising, I was going to burst.

"Whoa there red face take it down a notch I was only joking around! Besides you need to lighten up we're here for your birthday remember?" James gave me his signature crooked smile. 

"Yeah Granny we're here for you. A person only turns 18 once and you deserve to let loose after being sober your entire life," Alexis said. 

"OK you're both right I need to let my hair down and party!" The anger was fading and with it the apprehension I was feeling prior, leaving only excitement. "Now I've never done this before so where do we start?"

Alexis and James looked at each other and at the same time they shouted at me "SHOTS!" They dragged me to the bar and ordered about 10 different shots for me experiment with the whiskey burned my throat and vodka made my eyes water, but tequila now that was a drink I could get behind.

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