Part 2: Our Partners

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Riley's Pov:  Its 6:00 am and I wake up excited to get our partners today. I really hope that me and Lucas get a room or me and Maya! I hope that this goes well. I put on a white shirt with denim jeans and regular white shoes.

Maya's Pov: I barely wake up to get ready for school. I put on a  Blue Bodysuit, Blue Jeans, and White Air force 1's.  I walk downstairs and I go hurry and eat breakfast and I got a text from Lucas.

Lucas: Want to take the Subway with me today? :)

I blush and i replied to Lucas.

Maya: Of course 7:20 be their or i'm leaving you.

Lucas:Okay Peaches.

I love when Lucas calls me Peaches. It makes me feel sweet. I put on a coat and met Lucas at the Subway. I was freezing. If you don't know it is freezing in NYC during winter time. I literally HATE the cold because I can never handle it.

Lucas and me got on the subway and started talking about the College Trip.

Lucas's POV:

I notice that maya was cold so I gave her my beanie and my ear muffs. She smiles and says thank you. She Lays down on my shoulder and i put one arm around Maya and we started talking. 

L:You still excited about decorating your room.

M: Mhm... It depends if I get a good roommate.

L: -smiles- I hope you do.

M: I hope you do too. -smiles-

Our eyes met and a sudden of butterflies met my stomach. I started to smile looking at Maya's Beautiful smile. Our eyesight stopped when the train station stopped. We started to walk off and a woman came up to us and said we were a cute couple and walked off.

We instantly started cracking up laughing. We walked inside the school and everyone was just coming up to us asking about me and Maya's relationship and Riley. It was like student paparazzi in their! I grab Maya's hand and we run away from the crowd of students.

Lucas:What happened and why was all those kids following us like that.

Maya took out her phone and she went on some school website a Mystery student made.

Maya:I think because they got a photo of us on the Subway and the video of that lady saying we were a cute couple.  Someone on instagram called "The John Quincy Adams TEA."

Lucas: Goodness. So we have people following us now!

Maya: Yea, and Riley was the first to see it.

Riley: and the first to find you too. 

Me and Maya jumped and looked at eachother.

Maya: Lemme guess you guys need to talk.

Riley: Yup! 

Maya walked out and Riley came up to me.

Riley: So were cuddling my best friend on the subway now!

Lucas: It was not that "type" of cuddling. Me and Maya are best friends thats it.

Riley:Lucas I don't believe you. You gave her your ear muffs and your beanie, you had your arm around her and everything. Did anything else happen while on the subway? Be honest.

I did not want to tell Riley about me and Maya eye contact little moment because it was not even that serious. 

Lucas:- I go up to riley- Me and Maya are only friends, just friends.

Riley: Okay someone My dad is waiting for us.

Lucas: okay.

Maya's Pov:

Riley and Lucas make it back to the class and they start calling us for the assembly to figure out our partners.  We go Auditorium and I sit in between Riley and Lucas. Me and riley was so excited we could not stand still. I whisper to Lucas and said You know you're excited. 

Lucas:Okay just a little bit 

I started to laugh and i turned around when I heard the microphone. 

"Hello John Quincy Adams High" Today you will be getting your partners. The college you will be attending requires Boy-Girl rooms so You get what you get and you do not make a fit. We will be leaving tomorrow at 5:00 AM! YOU WILL BE LEFT IF NOT HERE ON TIME. then you will need a ride. 

They started giving the teachers papers and Mr.Matthews told us our partners.

Jayla,Zach Amari,Nolan Jasmine,Zay. Farkle,Riley. Imani,Jessie. Lucas,Maya.....

Me and Lucas looked at each other and smiled. We were partners! 

Riley's Pov: 

I cannot believe I did not get paired up with Lucas but MAYA did. Is the universe AGAINST me. I was mad the whole rest of the day. The fact Lucas and Maya was smiling at each other when they found out means they wanted to be partners with each other.

Lucas POV:

When i heard Lucas and Maya my heart began to race. I started to feel the same butterflies i felt on the subway. We smiled at each other and we walked over to get ANOTHER packet. Me and Maya started to talk about our room.

Maya's POV:

I cannot wait till tomorrow. Its College Day move in and I cannot wait. The college they gave us is so cute. Open big windows for the view, nice beds ooo I cannot wait. At the end of the day me,Lucas, and Riley walked to the subway.

When i got home me and Riley facetimed and started packing. I cannot wait for tomorrow.

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