Save Me

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*Trigger Warning*

Self harm is mentioned so if you're not comfortable with these things, I suggest you skip this part and if you ever feel that you are in a dark place, consult someone or message me. I'll try and help but I suggest consulting a professional. I hope you guys are healthy and happy.

It was happening again. It's been years since you felt it again. The loneliness. All boys were at work and you were alone at home. They insisted that one of them stayed but you declined their offer. They needed to live their life and you didn't want to hold them back.

You were in you room, in a corner. You wrapped your arms around yourself. Today was the death anniversary of the couple who adopted you but the boys didn't know that. You never let them see you sad willingly. You couldn't.

You knew that they'll some day, leave you too. You were abandoned as a child so you were an orphan. No one seemed to take a liking to you so families always sent you back. The time when a loving family actually took you in and loved you, they died in a car accident a year after adopting you.

Since then, you blamed yourself. You thought that you were  bad luck, that you brought disaster to the people you were with. You've talked to Suho about this and he always listened and comforted you. Suho helped you get over that feeling but it came back today. You didn't want to bother anyone anymore.

There was a time that you decided to end it all. Luckily, Suho found you in time and brought you to the hospital. After that, he treated and cared for you like a younger sister, which you were grateful of. After that incident is when you found Yoongi. Alone and hurt.

You saw yourself in him and you vowed to help hybrids like him. You wanted to protect them just felt weak right now.

"They'll leave me anyways...why am I so difficult!? They shouldn't see me like this. They'll leave me. I need to be happy...I can't bother them. I don't want that. I don't want to be left alone again. They'll love someone else and leave me too. Like the people who adopted me, they'll die if they continue to be with me."

You pulled at your hair, crying your eyes out. You were frantic. You beard the front door open. The boys heard your sobs and rushed in.

"Stay away! You guys should leave. I'm not worthy of you guys. I care for all of you so just...leave."

"Noona, what are you talking about?"

Namjoon knelt on the floor then wiped your tears. The boys surrounded you as you cried harder. You could barely see their faces.

"Y/N, we're the ones who is not worthy of your kindness. You took in 7 hybrids who meant nothing to you. You are too good to us."

"That's not'll all die just like them. You'll leave me!"

"What made you think that!?'re everything to us. Whatever you say, whatever you do, you're our light. You give us meaning."

Yoongi is frustated. Seeing the woman who had always been strong have a break down. He doesn't know what to do. You told them your story and they had started to tear up. You have always been strong...kind. You didn't deserve all of that.

"It's okay, Y/N. We will stay with you forever because we love you. That couple who adopted you, they had the best year by having you. I know that wherever they are right now, they're glad that you became a part of their family."

Jin said which made you wonder. You thought of the sweet couple that gave you love. You realize that you took into their foot steps. You made someone have the confidence again and have hope. You had faith in each and everyone of them.

"There's no need to be sad anymore, Y/N. We can never leave you. We all need each other."

Taehyung hugged you and you rested your head on his shoulder and smiled.

"I'm sorry everyone, I made you all worry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Y/N. You're only human. We have those moments and it's ok. Everything will be all right."

"Thank you, Hoseok. I just needed to be reminded I guess."

Jimin handed you some tissues which you gladly took. You all went to the cemetery to pay your respects.

"Hello. I know it's been a while since I've been here and I hope you forgive me. I thought that I was the reason of your deaths and I never forgave myself for it but now I know I'm wrong. I'm grateful to have, to be a part of your family. I want you too meet the new memebers of our family."

You smiled at the boys and they nodded for you to continue.

They're the ones who made me believe in myself again. I'm really thankful that you taught me how to love and trust again. I hope that wherever you are, you're both happy. I'll visit more often now. I'm glad that you are able to meet them but it would've been better if both of you were really here. Thank you for everything."

"We promise to treat Y/N properly and never to make her sad!"

Taehyung said enthusiastically and bowed. You smiled and wrapped you arms around him.

"I wish we could've met them"

"Me too, Jungkook, me too."

You smiled sadly but you felt refreshed.'s a start of something new.

"Let's go home."

The boys followed behind you to the car. Jin offered to drive. You not having the energy, agreed. You fell asleep in the car and Jimin wrapped his arm around you as Hoseok held your hand. Namjoon stared at you from the passenger seat and smiled.

Yoongi carried you to your room and gently layed you on your bed. Each giving you a kiss. You felt safe. They felt safe. You saved each other. From the darkness, the cold and the loneliness.

You gave them something no one ever did before. A chance. In return, they gave you what you have always longed for. A family.

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