Hunting A Wolf

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I'll kill them all. She snarled to herself. Lucille was still in a rage at what the three men had seen. She hated feeling vulnerable more than anything. What made it worse was the way Arthur had scrambled to get her towel like he hadn't just burst in her room unannounced to get his horse from her. It pissed her off. How could someone point a gun to her head then think he could hand her a towel in the next? Then the Mexican laughed. 

Wolfe was embarassed and angry at the same time. She had fired a warning shot when the Mexican laughed but quickly changed her mind and decided to kill them all. They were too fast down the hall and skittered quickly out of sight. A cry of "That crazy puta!" sounded from somewhere in the hotel seconds after her spray of explosions erupted from her sawed off. The foreign cursing made Wolfe smirk a bit but not for long. She had to throw on her clothes and skip town before they decided to just nab the horse from her.

Quietly slipping out the back window, she made her way to the stable. She froze upon seeing the Sheriff and his partner on their way to the same location. "Sorry ma'am. Stable's closed. Seems we had some horse thieves break in and clear everythin' out." The burly sheriff muttered. Wolfe's stomach dropped. "Everything?" She repeated meekly. The sheriff nodded. "I take it the black one was yours. I'm sorry sweetheart. That one too." He shook his head and moved past Lucille to speak to the stable hand. The man was al in a flurry, speaking about how it happened so fast and that they were headed west. 

Wolfe's brow furrowed in anger. West? She looked at the entrance of the barn, kneeling down to trace one of the few hoofprints belonging to Thunder. I'll kill them all. She had no choice but to walk, but at least it made tracking her horse easier. The moon was high overhead which also helped. It wasn't long before she had company. A couple strangers had been following behind her for some time now. She felt a bit unsettled but made sure not to look back and give them a reason to approach.

She did turn her head slightly to keep an ear to the wind and see if she could catch wind of what they were saying. She couldn't quite make out any words but she could hear a distinct accent. Something similar to the way her mother would speak. Irish? Scottish? She couldn't tell the difference but the creeping feeling of impending doom was upon her when they suddenly coaxed their horses closer to her.

"Evenin' miss. Whas' a lady like you doin' out by yerself at night by yer lonesome?" The man grinned. Normally Wolfe kept to herself and people would assume she was unfriendly, when in fact she was a bit shy. This man was unexpectedly pretty. His hair was long, nearly at the middle of his back in soft red ringlets like hers. His eyes were light but hard to make out the color of them in the moonlight. He wore a blue button up shirt with grey pants and suspenders.

The horse beneath him was a white one with splotches of black scattered all over it. Wolfe snickered at the thought that it looked like a cow. The man took notice and lightly patted the side of the horse's neck. "Why ya laughin' at ol' Bessie?" His feigned offense but his eyes crinkled in amusement. "I'm sorry sir, she just looks like a cow and well the name Bessie sounds like you felt the same way is all." Lucille grinned. 

"Why ya' gotta flirt with every damn lass we happen upon?" A voice from behind them sounded. The man on the cow like horse rolled his eyes. "M'not flirtin' ya jealous as always. Don't mind him, he's just my brother. The uglier one, he is." The redhead winked. "We're twins ya dumbass. Reckon' if I'm ugly, so'er you." The other man snarled. 

Lucille peered at the supposed brother to see it was in fact too. They were in fact twins and even had the same length of copper red hair, same face, even the same horse. The horses almost looked the same but on closer inspection, the nearest twin's horse had brown spots while the furthest twin's horse had black ones. The furthest twin matched his brother's clothes as well except his button up shirt was green. 

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