Chapter 12

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The address was programmed into out motorcycles' GPS, and it ready that it was freaking an hour away. And is it possible that Slick is or was involved with this? What am I thinking?! He trusts me enough to tell me his secrets, and I'm thinking that he could be involved with this mess? I sighed to myself, but it couldn't be heard over the sound of the howling wind that whipped past my ears. After a little ways into the drive we ended up on a bumpy dirt road, and there my eyes grew weary.

"Artemis, Slick." I said into the earpiece.

"What is it?" They asked.

"I'm getting tired all of the sudden, you guys okay?" I asked. "Or is it just me."

"I think it's just you." Slick said.

"Just tell us if it gets any worse." Artemis said.

"Yeah okay." But it didn't, it was just a distant feeling of drowsiness, that gave me the heebie-jeebies. We were off the dirt road again and back onto a highway and the feeling left.

"Strange." I muttered as we drove along. I glanced at the GPS, we had been driving for a good 45ish minutes. Only approximately fifteen minutes until we reached the house.

"Turn Right." Thanks GPS, like you didn't say that two seconds ago. We turned, riding in a triangle form. Artemis being the tip leading while Slick and I stayed a tad bit back beside each other. The right turn had turned us into a decent sized neighborhood.

"Continue 25ft, destination on right." Mrs. GPS gave us the finally direction and we pulling in front of the driveway.

"Alrighty. Let's do this." Slick said after taking off his helmet. The helmet gave him a bed head looking style to his hair. We walked to the door and gave it a soft knock. We waited until a women who looked to be in her early middle age.

"Hi." Artemis began. "We're with the Justice and Young Justice teams and we were wondering to asked a Ms. Catherine McLean a few questions?"

"I would be okay with that. Please come in." The woman let us enter.

"I'm Artemis, these are my colleagues Cold Flame and..." Slick didn't have a 'code name'.

"The Reaper." He said.

"Ah, very nice to meet you all." She sat on one of her two couched. "Please, please have a seat." We gladly listened and sat on the other couch.

"I hope if you do not mind if we ask you about when you slipped into a coma?" Artemis asked.

"Ah yes that." She said. "Go right ahead."

"Yes, thank you." It surprised me how she took took on this professional tone, as well as posture. Artemis began with some small questions, when it happened. Things we could have found out ourselves, but it was better to start out small I guess.

"Can you tell us what you saw?" Artemis asked.

"All I remember would be the man." She said. "I did not tell the police in fear, but... I will tell. He wore a mask, half black and the other half orange...."

Do you know who it is? I bet you do.

Game Time!
Favorite DC hero (Not 'side kick'): Berry Allen aka Flash or Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.

Favorite Marvel Hero?: Spider-Man duh.

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