Chapter 16

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Y/N Pov:

Once I got to yoandris house I knocked on the door and a smiling yoandri opens it right away. The first thing he tells me is " go make me some food" " what I asked " go make me food plsssss" "What?!?!?! No is this all you called me for if it is im leaving" Thats when I feel an arm tightly grasping my wrist, it hurts alot. "yoandri stop your your hurting me" I stutter. " then go make me food my sweet little slave" " fffffine ill go to your kitchen right now" I said frightened. I just hope what happened last time doesnt repeat itself if it does then imma tell Erick everything that happened; to make sure that this time yoandri does rot in prison.  Im in the kitchen preparing dinner when I feel some arms around my waist.  I freeze knowing its Yoandri, so thats when he says " baby what are you making for dinner" ugh how dare he call me that I rather not respond so he asks me the same question again but a bit harsher. " BABY WHAT ARE YOU MAKING FOR DINNER" "spagetti"  I quickly reply.  " okay but next time you dont respond right away ill make sure you'll regret it okay" I quickly nod my head in understanding. " its done we can eat at the table" " okay lets go" he replys. 

Yoandris Pov:

Ya im being harsh to her but she better get used to it considering how my plan is to well something she wont be happy with at all. Im thinking this as im eating and I was right her food is the best when were done eating she tells me " there you ate now can I go home" " nope your gonna stay here with me and watch a movie okay?" " fine" is all she says As were watching the movie I notice she falls asleep on the couch. So I pick her up and take her to my room, I lay down next to her and we sleep. When suddenly her phone starts vibrating with multiple texts from Erick. So I reply 

Erick: Y/n When are you coming home its already past midnight

Y/n (yoandri): Umm actually imma stay over here for a sleep over alright

Erick: WHAT!!!! No you wont you better come over right now you hear me

Y/n (yoandri): Nahhh im good you know where im at byeeeeee

Erick: Y/n? Y/n? Y/N?????????? 

And just like that I turned off her phone and deleted the messages.

Y/n Pov 

I didnt want to stay at yoandris for longer than I had to but I didnt have a choice. He made me stay with him to watch a movie, I tried so hard not to fall asleep but I falied. So when I wake up in the morning I realize that Im in Yoandris Room I think of the worst possible thing that Could have happened so I scream. Not realizing or even thinking that it would wake up yoandri. So he wakes up Hugs me tightly and says " babe Whats wrong" "What did You do to me"  " nothing I just thought you would be more comfortable on the bed" " ya sure whatever imma leave now" Thats when I turn on my phone and see over 50 texts and 30 missed calls from Erick. A geez im in trouble now. I I quickly leave his house and head over to mine. Only to seer that all the guys were still there and were trying to keep Erick from Yelling at me. 


Like I said Before Ik you guys dont really care about this lame story but I decided to try and update more daily if possible so thats why theres a back to back upload. I hope you loved the chapter byeee

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