one of three

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a familiar song plays in the background as she is looking for a new vinyl. she either dislike the artist or i already have the vinyl.

the brunette sighs out of exhausted and turns bumping into someone.

'sorry' she says and circles around the stranger. she's making her way towards the cd section

the brunette man eyes the woman. he smiles and decides to follow her to where she is going, only to enter the same aisle from the opposite direction.

he is determine to talk to her again.

acting as if he is looking at the Cd's, he slowly makes his way to the pretty lady.

walking and walking, they are inches apart.

again he hears a sigh from the brunette and faces the opposite direction to see more. he does the same and she turns to him.

'are you following me?' she questions. her eyes are dark brown and he looks into them.

'my question is, are you following me?' he giggles and the brunette smiles.

'okay stalker you can leave' she smiles and walks out of the aisle into the one over. he walks in front of her, only cd's separating the two.

'i have a name, and my name is liam' liam smiles at the nameless brunette.

'liam the stalker, my name is kathy' she smiles and continues looking for a cd.

'just kathy? you need a title. how about kathy the looker' liam suggested.

'the looker, really?' she raised an eyebrow.

'well you are looking for something' he points out.

'that's true, kind of need to listen to new music.' she shrugs and continues walking. liam follows, never breaking contact of her.

'i can help if you want.' liam throws out there, hoping to keep talking to kathy.

'come over to my side and help' she stops and looks at liam. she gets a good glance at liam. kathy likes what she sees, but suddenly feels self-conscious.

she thinks to herself 'he looks like a model what the hell. i look like a garbage can on the street.' liam is walking towards her. she thinks to herself again, ' nice beard dude, and tattoo.'

'so where do you want to start?' liam rubs his hands together and looks around the shop.

'we can start anywhere really' she shrugs. 

time passes and they discuss their life to each other. 

liam is 20 and kathy is 19 going to turn 20 in a few weeks.

kathy and liam go to different university's but still same area.

liam has nothing but sisters as to kathy nothing but brothers.

liam's and kathy's last names both start with a 'p'. payne and pasco.

3 hours have passed and 7 cds are found. kathy have never gave these artist a chance but liam highly suggested them.

chris brown - f.a.m.e
usher - looking 4 myself
justin timberlake - the 20/20 experience
drake - nothing was the same
prince - 1999
frank ocean - channel orange
maroon 5 - overexposed

'what are you making me listen to?' kathy laughs as she holds all 7 cds.

'some pretty good music. i swear they are so good.' he takes the cds from her and gets in line. 

they were next in line. 

'next' the clerk says in a monotone voice. 

liam walks up to the cashier and lays out all of the cd's. he turns to kathy and smiles brightly.

'that will be 77.93' the cashier bluntly says.

liam and kathy reach for their wallet at the same time. liam passes his credit card to the cashier and kathy's eyes widen.

'what are you doing?' kathy pulls liam back.

'well i figured that since i suggested all this i will pay for you. also i'm being a gentleman' liam smiles and gets back his credit card. 'besides a few bucks isn't anything to me' liam winks at kathy. liam hands her the plastic bag.

'that was a douchy move' kathy admits.

'i know,i'm sorry'' liam looks to the floor and back at kathy.

'you're forgiven, but i will need your number for further assistance if i like these,' kathy raises the plastic bag.

'hand me your phone' kathy takes out her phone and hands it to liam. 'pass-code?' kathy tries to grab her phone and liam gives her a look.

'5555' kathy scratches her temple and turns a light pink.

'hardest password ever, almost forgot it' liam jokes. liam enters his number and starts thinking of a name to put himself under. he smiles to himself and remembers their inside joke already.

he enters 'liam the stalker' with the ghost emoji. he smiles proudly and mentally gives himself a high-five. he hands back kathy's phone and gives her his phone. 

'passcode?' she asks.

'1234' he makes a fist and covers his lips.

'what a loser' kathy mocks liam. kathy unlocks his phone and see that his wallpaper is a banana peel giving a thumbs up. 'your wallpaper makes you a little cooler' kathy lies and smiles.

kahty puts in her number and puts her contact under 'kathy' ur ultimate best friend with the ghost emoji. she tries to hide her smile but liam notices. 

liam thinks 'she has the most amazing smile in the world'. 

'kathy' liam says her name longing the 'y'.

'i have to go liam. text me so we can hang out again' kathy completely embarrassed herself. 

thoughts swarm her head, 'you fool he doesn't want to hang out' 'your moving too quickly' 'he probably has a girlfriend' 'you idiot!'

liam on the other hand is smiling with joy. 'she wants to hang out with me!' 'yes!' giving himself a high-five mentally.

'i see you soon' they both say in sync making them both blush. 

they walk over to the door not knowing to give each other a hug or wave. kathy leans in and liam puts out his hand. 

there is awkwardness an awkward tension between them. liam leans in and kathy puts out her hand. she quickly puts both arms out. they give each other a hug, embracing each other. both of their hearts do a million flips. not wanting to break the hug, they let go of each other.

'thank you for the cd's, i owe you one' liam smiles and opens the door like the gentleman he is.

'bye' they say before they leave their separate ways.


my heart hurts so much i love liam

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