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On the island nation of Japan, near the metropolitan city of Tokyo was the region called South Town. South Town's urban development was a mix between city and suburbia, houses spread out, yet there was at least either an apartment complex or a condominium on every other block. Living in one of these apartment complexes was you, locking the entrance to your apartment and departed for South Town High School. It wasn't that far from where you lived, so you just walked it. Living in your apartment was just you and your little sister, who went to South Town Elementary and was in the fifth grade. Your parents had work that required that they be overseas and came home during the holiday or whenever there was an emergency. They paid for the bills and gave you a debit card to keep you and your sister fed with fast food or homecooked stuff and to hang out with friends.

South Town High School was equipped with the most modern technology and had one of the largest budgets for high schools in Japan, able to give their student body a laptop for academic purposes. The most up-to-date textbooks along with teachers that also qualified as professors, it might as well have been a college or university.

Your homeroom had a lot of nameless faces, except for the following individuals; your childhood friends Rock Howard and Leona Heidern, the most popular girl in school Mai Shiranui, and Iori Yagami, who played the saxophone in a jazz band that performs in a place you like to frequent, though he always liked to play the cool bad boy in school.

Your seat was third row in the back and near the windows because you were that kid. The only one that sat next to you was Rock while the rest of the seats were occupied by nameless people. Everyone else was spread out along the classroom. Before your class would begin, people just liked to talk to one another, get some sleep, or do whatever before the teacher would come and begin class, so you turned to Rock and talked about something that you two have been texting about before coming to class.

You: Basketball season's starting, wanna join again?

Rock: Of course. I didn't keep my jersey and gear for nothing. Might need to get new shoes though.

You: Same thing with my sleeve. I think my arm's getting too big.

Rock: Let's stop by the shop after school.

???: Alright class, take your seats and calm down.

Your teacher walked in and approached the podium in the front of the class as students were returning to their seats. Your teacher's name was Mr. Bogard. Not Terry Bogard, he was the phys ed teacher and basketball coach and prefers to be called Terry. It was, instead, his brother Andy Bogard. Adjusting his tie and opening his laptop, he cleared his throat and ran through role call, marking those who weren't here in class as late, until he left the class at the end of the day, where he would change it to absent.

Andy: I'm going to run through a couple housekeeping things before class starts. My brother has told me that basketball, track and field, and baseball teams were holding their first meets of the season. Y/n and Rock, I assume Terry and I will see you at the meet?

Rock: You bet.

You: Yes sir.

Andy: Next on the list; South Town High School will have its first aikido club taught and managed by Ms. Kasumi Todoh. For those of you looking to learn self-defense, I highly advise you give this club a shot. If there are enough people joining, the district will see to it that other high schools start a tournament of some kind and this will become a full-fledged sport with its own season. Anyone willing to share anything? Student council members planning any event that flyers don't already cover? No? Then, pull out your math textbooks and turn to...

The school day was over, yet you and Rock still had to attend the basketball meet. As you two were walking towards the gymnasium, your school bags slung around your shoulder, you were discussing about plans after the meet, which shouldn't take long.

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