Chapter 6 The New Comers

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Ben was alone. He was in a corn maze. The sky was black. He looked around. He started to trot down a path. He felt a drop of rain on his head. He looked up, with drops of water in his eyes. He started to run. He saw that the path was ending. He was almost out, when dogs apeared. The dogs had their teeth showing, their ears down, and growled. Ben stopped, flinging dirt everywhere. The dogs then stopped growling. They were scared of Ben. Was it because he flung dirt everywhere?
The dog in the middle said "sorry master. We didn't mean to harm you." the dog looked up with watery eyes. Ben looked down at the poor dog, he tilted his head in confusion. "Master?" Ben asked. "Yes," said the dog on the left. "We have come to say that we're sorry, and we are going to join you." Ben felt a shiver down his back. He started to open his eyes, seeing light.
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Ben woke up with the sun in his eyes that came through the purple curtines. He looked over at Emily, who was deep into her nap.
Ben got off the couch and wondered over to the stairs right next to the front door of the house. He looked to the right. He took one step on the stair, and it made a creek sound. He took another step, which made a crack sound. He looked over, through the railings, to the living room door. He heard Emily move on the couch. He got down off the two steps and went to the living room doors, to find that, Emily wasn't there. He looked around. Snuffed the air. Everything in the air smelled the same. He walked over to the kitchen with his head low to the ground. He found the sliding door, wide open. He trotted over to it and found Emily jumping over the fence. He ran after her. He jumped over the fence and went over to Emily, who was crouched low to the ground behind bushes. He crouched down and said "what's going on?" Ben asked. "Look." said Emily. Ben looked straight ahead. There were other dogs. They were looking through the garbage. "They don't belong here." Emily said. "They are introders. We have to get them away." Emily pulled her lips back to show her teeth. Him and Emily wouldn't be able to take the two dogs on. One was a little smaller then Ben and had dark brown fur. The other was the same size as Ben and had a lighter shade of brown fur. Both of there shoots was long and there legs where long. "They look tough. We should just let them pass." Ben said. Emily looked at him. "Did any dog let you pass?" Ben stayed silent. "I thought so. Let's go." Emily and Ben came out from behind the bushes, with their teeth bared and ears back. Both of the dogs looked up and the short one gave a low growl. Emily looked at him and gave a bigger growl. "What do you think your doing?" Emily asked the two dogs. The bigger dog said, "looking for scraps. We're just hungry." His lip twitched. "There's none there," Said Ben. "Animals were here before you. Wolves and raccoons." Ben straightened to his full height. "I suggest you get to a safe place while you still can." Emily said. "There's not very nice dogs around here." "You mean you?" Asked the shorter dog. Emily gave a growl. "Unlike some dogs, I'm nice enough to let dogs stay in my place." The shorter dog snorted. The big dog jumped down. "We're just looking for food or scrapes. We haven't eaten in days." He jumped. "What am I saying, I'm Dagger and this is Vence. We're from the same litter." Emily and Ben looked at each other and back at the two dogs. Emily licked her lips and said, "I'm Emily and this is Ben. You two seem just like Ben when he arived. I'll take you to mr. Vencher. He will probably let you stay. Come on." They trotted down the road. Dagger and Vence were far behind. "Hurry, or you'll miss the turn!" Emily said, then resumed her trot. "I don't trust them. You don't know what they can do." Ben said. "Don't worry Ben, once they see Vencher, they won't try anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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