~<~hey guys, I got another song so ya, enjoy~>~
What if I told you all the things I see/Would you still stand tall by me/What if you got a glipse in my mind/would you resist the urge to hide/
Like what's so wrong/tell me why it's so wrong/
Maybe I should to talk things through/but all I do is stand tall by you/maybe I should say okay/just for you to run away/so many maybes/too many maybes/why are there so many maybes?/
What if you rode my boat/would you need some help to float/what if you knew my deep desires/would you just give me away to the nearest buyer/
Like what's so wrong/people are telling me things are to wrong/
Maybe I should talk things through/but all I do is stand tall by you/maybe I should say okay/just for you to run away/so may maybes/too many maybes/why are there so many maybes/
I stand out on my porch/waiting for you and your flaming torch/you stay hidden in you closet/hoping I don't come unlock it/
Maybe I should talk things through/but all I do is stand tall by you/maybe I should say okay/just for you to run away/so many maybes/too many maybes/why are there so many maybes/
We shout out/maybe/we shout/maybe/but we never go anywhere/but maybe/

A Collection
ПоэзияThis is going to be a random collection of poems and songs I have written! Enjoy! Love Katniss Winchester