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Beth King loves everything about Christmas, from decorating the best tree she can find to sending cards to everyone she knows: winter is her favourite season, relishing in the cold of her snowy Scottish village, and there's nothing better than a festive coffee at her local cafe.

Her favourite barista, however, is a total grinch. They may share a Christmas Day birthday and a four-year-long cafe-based friendship, but the two of them couldn't be more different: Casper Boutayeb hates everything about the holiday season. The music makes him cringe; the films are cheesy cliches, and there's nothing to like about snow and ice. He's happy to avoid the festivities with his boyfriend, while Beth takes extra time off work to throw herself into preparing for the holiday and getting the most out of every chilly day. She teases him for his grinchiness and he teases her for her obsession, but their friendship has never extended beyond the cafe where Casper works.

Until, twelve days before Christmas, Beth is woken from a festive-film-fueled dream to a soaking wet Casper on her doorstep. Newly single with nowhere to live, he turns to her for help. He needs somewhere to stay, and she needs an excuse to introduce him to the magical world of Christmas joy.


what's this? another christmas story? this was started on a mid-nano whim when i was struggling for inspiration with my two WIPs, and this crawled out of my brain. it's one i've been having a lot of fun writing and fairly quickly bashed out the first four chapters. enjoy these two bi disasters!

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