𝟘𝟚- ✯𝔹𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤✯

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I walked through the halls of school, the final bell having already rung, every student rushed to get out. I didn't bother, I already knew that Jim was waiting for me at the front, he did it again anyway, skipped without me. I'm the one that started that and he has the nerve to go and leave me here alone.

Let me back up a little, Jim, Aka James Hawkins, best friend since I can remember. We do most things together but not everything, Since our moms were close it was only natural that we got close. We never leave each other's side, well, except the occasional 'Jim is skipping alone cause he needed time by himself'

'The nerve of this kid, who does he think he is?'

I sighed a bit and gripped my bag strap tighter around my shoulder, I can't argue, he makes me feel things I've never felt towards anyone else before, but I knew it would never happen, and I'm fine with that.

I put the combination in my lock, threw open the locker, shoving my bag in it and slamming the locker shut. Whatever notes, homework, or books that was in there would be long forgotten till next week.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, walking off hoping that today would be a good day.

"Hey (L/n)!"

Well my hope died.

I stopped dead in my tracks, debating wether I should give her the satisfaction, or just walk away. I chose the latter, I continued walking forward towards my destination until she yelled"Stop!"I ignored her and continued walking.

'I ain't no dog, I'll do whatever the heck I want'

That time was soon cut short as someone stuck there leg out in front of mine, tripping me, causing me to fall flat on my face. The people around me laughed, I glared at the ground in front of me as I lifted myself up. Two people stopped me from getting up, wrapping there arms around mine and forcing me to get up.


I mumbled but they didn't hear it as my back was shoved against the lockers, they still had a hold on my arms. Amber(if your names Amber you can change it) walked up to me shoving a piece of paper in my face with a big fat F on it"Mind explaining to me how one of the smartest kids in the school got me an F?!"

I shrugged"Dunno, why don't you go ask him?"

She raised her hand and slapped me across the face as her henchmen snickered beside me. Pain coursed through my left cheek as I now looked off to the side, while staring at the ground, a glare present on my face.

"Let me ask you again, how did you get me an F on my report?"

I shot my head up to glare at her"First of all, it's not 'your report' because you didn't write it" I tugged at my arms trying to get them free but to no avail "and second of all, maybe I wanted to watch you fail at something other than your make up routine"

She widened her eyes, suddenly becoming self conscious as she whipped out her mini pocket mirror, looking at her face through it. A smirk grazed my lips in satisfaction as I watched her panic.

Suddenly she turned to me, a glare on her face as she violently shut the mirror, putting it back in her pocket she made a fist with her hands about to punch when..

"Hey, Barbie doll"

'It's about time'

Ambers head whipped around only to come face to face with Jim, as he stood there holding two solar surfer's. "Oh! Jim!" She smiled innocently at him as I rolled my eyes. "I just came here to pick up (Y/n) right there"

"Lola, Stacy, Let her go"


"I said let her go!"

She turned around smiling innocently at him as I got thrown forward, out of there grasp. I moved my arms around to stretch them as I silently glared at the two girls behind me. "Hey, Jim, I was thinking that-"

He cut her off, walking by her, leaning the solar surfers against the lockers, he turned to Amber with his arms crossed"Just so you know, I'm the one that wrote the paper. (Y/n) was exhausted so she asked me to do her this favor, but since my work isn't appreciated I suggest that you leave before you have more problems than a F on a piece of paper."

A glare was held on his face as he towered over her, she smiled at him while nervously laughing"C-C-Come on girls, just leave her alone and let's go"

I watched as the three of them left down the hallway, until they fully disappeared.

"I could have handled that myself you know"

He turned towards me, a smile now on his lips as he chuckled "ya, okay, if you could you wouldn't have been held against the lockers by thing one and thing two, while the cat in the hat gives you a lesson."

I rolled my eyes then hit him in the arm, his smile dropped instantly as he grabbed the arm I hit while rubbing it"why did you leave without me, again?" I held an angry look on my face as he grabbed one of the solar surfers from leaning on the lockers.

"If I tell you that I was finishing up some stuff on your solar surfer would you cut me some slack?"

I rolled my eyes but overall a smile graced my lips 'I can't be mad at this kid'  I shook my head while grabbing the solar surfer from him"You didn't.."

"Yes I did"

I smiled as I examined the new coat of paint on the board, it had a solid background of (f/c) with flaring swirls of (s/f/c). "It should be all set for a test run, ya know, if you want to try it out."

Jim rubbed the back of his neck as I looked up at him, he looked towards the ground, then back at me. I sent him a smile and leaned my solar surfer against the lockers, I suddenly engulfed him in a hug. I felt him hesitate but quickly hugged me back, after I broke the hug I was quick to grab the solar surfer, as I hopped on it and stepped on the button for the motor and sped off.

"Last one to the ridge is a rotten egg!"

I heard a faint reply

"Your on (L/n)!"

Constellations : Journey to Treasure Planet  | Book 1 |Where stories live. Discover now