𝟙𝟛- ✯𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤✯

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Captain Amelia sighed"Well then..." she looked at his hat as she continued"Mr.Arrow was a..." she cleared her throat"fine spacer, finer than most of us could ever hope to be, but he knew the risks, as do we all. Resume your posts. We carry on." She walked back up the steps as I sighed and looked back at Jim.

He looked at me and shook his head before running off. I sighed and walked after him, after while of looking I found him sitting on one of the shrouds looking out at the stars.

I smiled a bit and leaned on the railing near the shroud he was on. I pointed out at a bunny like constellation "That right there is Lepus" I waited for a second for him to shoo me away, but he never did so I decided to climb up next to him as I continued"There's not really a legend to go with the bunny, but it's said to be chased by Orion, since he's a hunter."

Jim sighed"What do you want?" Tho I could tell from the ghost of a smile, that he was enjoying the talk about constellations. Ever since I started talking about the stars more, there always seemed to be this spark in his eyes whenever I talked about them.

I shrugged"I'm just checking, to see if your okay" he stayed quiet as I continued"It's not your fault you know... that Arrow..." he cut me off, as he looked at me with sad eyes"Of course it's my fault! (Y/n), I checked all those ropes, I should have checked again!" I rolled my eyes at him"Jim, listen to me. Whatever happened back there, wasn't on you, trust me!"

"How do you know that?" His voice was raising louder as we talked.

"Because I was there!"

He went silent a bit, a glare plastered on his face as he looked away. "How were you there? You said that you...." I cut him off"Was on a different mast, I know."

"So, then, what happened?"

I stayed silent as Jim asked again"(Y/n), please, what happened to him?" Jim grabbed my face to look at him as I avoided looking him in the eyes. "I can't tell you..." with that I started to climb down when suddenly it was like a damn bursting as Jim started yelling.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you keeping so many secrets from me? Am I that bad of a best friend? Do I just not deserve to know anything anymore? (Y/n), for god sakes answer me damn it!" I stopped in my tracks. A glare plastered on my face"I'm doing this to protect you! You just don't understand how things are for me!"

"No, you don't understand how things are for me! Don't you realize that I care? I worry about you and all you do is keep secrets from me!"

"I do it so you don't have to deal with my burdens to bare! Maybe I don't want your help Hawkins!"

Jim scoffed a bit and turned back around"Fine!" I glared at the back of his head"Fine!" As I walked away I heard him yell"Yeah, good riddance!"

I walked into the kitchen, as I finally broke down, tears fell from my eyes, I sat at a table as I held my head in my hands and cried. I felt all my problems come crashing down on me, I rolled up my sleeve grabbing my blade from my pant pocket. I examined the arm full of old scars and bruises from beatings I took, I watched as my blade was about to break skin when something caught my eye.

A bottle, not just any bottle, a rum bottle, without thinking I slowly put my blade away as I made my way over to the bottle. I rolled up my sleeves as I firmly grasped the bottle "I promised myself I wouldn't do this...but just one sip couldn't hurt....right?"

I opened the bottle, chugging the burning liquid down my throat, after one sip soon came another, followed by another, until I sat down at the table, bottle held close. The alcohol coursed through me, as a new sensation took over, I felt my worries leaving and soon forgot what I was upset about.

I was now onto my second bottle as the sound of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. I didn't react much other than hug the bottle closer to me, not wanting whoever it was to take it away. My vision was a bit hazy but I made out a giant blob to be Silver as he sat down across from me"Lass, what have ya done?" He asked in a caring tone, I felt tears prick my eyes in shame as I started to cry.

"Sh, sh, sh, Lass, where did you find this bottle?"

He pointed to the bottle in my hands as I asked"Oh? This? I found it..." he gripped the bridge of his nose and shook his head, as I went to take another sip the bottle was taken out of my hands"Wha..? Hey!"  I got up from my seat to reach for the bottle when he pushed me back down"Now you listen here (Y/n)" he got up and threw the bottle away, turning back towards me he continued

"No problem can be solved by drinking."

I glared at the blurry table in front of me"They can in my house..." Silver sighed and walked over, sitting back down in front of me, grabbing my arms"Listen lass. These" he gestured to my arm, as he rolled up the other sleeve.

"These are your battle scars, wear them confidently. Be proud that you made it this far, your father might not see what a bright and beautiful girl you have become but I do. And so does that boy sitting out there." He pointed out to the deck as I looked up at him, he continued"But don't throw everything away over something as little as a bump in the road. You don't need that bottle to get through things, your already a strong enough girl on your own."

I felt myself start to cry, as he got up and walked over to me, engulfing me in a hug"I'm so stupid... I made a promise that I wouldn't become my dad...yet here I am..." Silver shook his head and hugged me tighter"Sh,sh,sh, Hey, your nothing like your dad"

"How do you know that?!"

I looked up at him, a desperate look in my eyes as he stared down at me"I don't..." he then pointed up to the deck and continued"But there's a boy out there who does. And he cares about you more than anyone in the world, and blimey if he cares about you that much then you can't be your father. I trust Jimbo's judgment more than ever. If only you could hear the way that he talks about you..."

He looked down at me as I sniffled and went to cry some more he quickly stated"All good things, all good things" i smiled a bit as he stood up"Now.." he quickly went over to the sink, pouring a cup of water"Take this glass of water, be sure to drink it all, your gonna have a terrible hangover tomorrow lass." I nodded my head taking the glass and walked off towards the stairs.

Before I went up I quickly turned around"Silver?"

"Yes, (N/n)?"

"Thank you"

A smile appeared on his lips as he nodded his head"Off to bed with you now, quickly" I sent him a smile as I turned around and walked off.

Constellations : Journey to Treasure Planet  | Book 1 |Where stories live. Discover now