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"Ayato-kun..!  Hurry up or we will be late for class! " said a girl with blond hair. Her eyes were shining like diamonds.

" Come on Panckake! Why do we need to attend those boring classes every day? Can't we just skip them for some time? " said ayato.

" No. They are important. If you don't attend them then you'll fail in exam! " said Yui. 

" Fuck your studies. I am hungry make me some Takoyakis immediately!" commanded ayato!

" Fine. But promise You will attend class after that!"

" Ah.  Fine! "

end of flashback
" Third young Master! You are requested to go to the hall. "

" Fine. You can go now." Said ayato with a lazy voice. 

Ayato came to the hall where his other brothers were. He saw a man with long white hair and golden eyes. He didn't have any problem to recognize his father Karlheinz.

" My sons I have an Announcement for you. You guys have been living with sacrificial brides for thousand of years. You will have many in future. But from today a lady will be living with you. She's not a human but a full blooded vampire. Be sure to respect her as your sister.  She is my lawyer."

" But who is this lady father?" Said Reiji. While others kept Cursing.

" she is one of your familiars." said karlheinz.

" First Lady Has arrived your highness". Said a maid.

" Tell her to come here."

" As you wish, your highness".

Everyone was standing there with full of eager ness. Suddenly a Young lady with pink sherbet eyes and with long blond hair entered the room. She was extremely beautiful. She was wearing a Black coat with a white skirt.  Everyone was stunned to see her.  Her eyes were like ice. 

" I have Come uncle Karl". Said Yui.

" Oh that's good. Did you have any problem while coming? "

"No. "

"That's great! Meet them. They are my Sons. And Sons she is my niece-cum lawyer Miss Yui Komori "

" Nice to meet you Miss Komori. " Said Reiji.

" Same here Mr. Sakamaki. " said Yui With a Cold voice.

" Well,  let me introduce us. He is the first son Shu.  I am the 2nd son Reiji. He is the Fourth son Kanato and the man who was standing beside him is the 5th Son Laito. And he is Subaru. "

" Where is Ayato? " asked Karlheinz.

" He had left. He didn't wanted to meet your lawyer that's why. " said Shu.

" I am sorry behalf of him Miss Komori".

" It's fine. " Said Yui with  same cold voice.

" Take our guest to her room" Commanded Reij.

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