Chapter [1]

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Diana's POV

I was looking at the rain pouring down from the grey sky, like the tears that are cascading down my cheeks,the weather mirroring my emotions. My hoodie hiding my face from all the others that are in the bus, I looked at my reflection in the window, my cheeks red and puffy from crying myself to sleep, red nose and blood shot eyes I just hated myself for being so hideous,weak and unwanted.

"Hey uhm, do you mind if we have a seat?" a boy my age with blonde hair and gentle deep blue eyes asked interrupting my thoughts,motioning to the space beside me.

I looked up and saw 5 nice looking boys looking down at me smiling ever so nicely,I quickly wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie so they wouldn't see my tears and took my hood off.

"Oh yes of course,I'll move so I won't squish you guys" I whispered at the end hoping they didn't hear, getting up from the seat and heading towards the back.

"Oh gosh we didn't mean it that way,we wanted to sit with you because it looked like you needed some company." said one of the boys, he had brown hair and nice kind brown eyes, he kinda looked like a puppy.

"No,it's fine, you guys can have the seat" I said assuring them.

"Bu-" the same guy started,but I cut him off.

"I'm not taking no for an answer."
I said getting my backpack and walking to a seat that was empty towards the end of the bus and sat down. Soon enough I felt papers being thrown at my back and all the hurtful comments but I just put my head down like a coward I was.

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