"you helped me?"

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Zach POV:
I heard my alarm clock beep, I rolled over and turned it off. Every inch of my body hurt, but I was used to it. Every single day since freshman year I've been getting beat up by the one and only, Eben Franckewitz. I leapt up from my bed and made somewhat of an effort to look decent, I stumble down the stairs still half asleep and said good morning to my family.

One Long Bus Ride Later...

I jumped down the bus steps like usual and ran to meet up with my 3 best friends, Jack Avery, Daniel Seavey and Corbyn Besson. "Jesus Zach, it looks like you just ran a marathon" Daniel chuckled, he was meant to be the funny one out of the four of us although no one ever laughed at his spontaneous remarks. "Haha, very funny." I scolded, "hey don't get into a bitchy mood, classes haven't even started yet," Corbyn told me "and plus there's a new student and I heard he's quite cute." He nudged me. "Corbyn you know I'm not ready to date after-" he interrupted me "I'm so sorry Zach! I forgot!" He said covering his mouth.
"It's fine Corbs, let's get to Chem."

Jonah's POV:
I began to walk closer to the school, it was much bigger than I had anticipated. There were so many people, I didn't know whether I should introduce myself to someone or not, so instead I just walked to my first class: Chemistry. I sat down at one of the back desks, I was busy studying some of the paper work that was set on my desk until I saw a short, brunette boy walk into the room. I'm not one to believe in things such as 'love at first site' but damn, he was really cute.

Spontaneous Time skip brought to you by Daniel's Apple Juice: At Lunch

3rd Person:
Jonah was walking down the hallway looking for the cafeteria when all of a sudden he heard someone sobbing and crying for help. He ran through the corridors until he was 20 metres away from a bruised and bleeding Zach that was pinned up against a locker.

Zach's POV:
Eben repeatedly punched me in the gut and it the face, I could feel thick, sticky blood running from my nose and I felt like I was about to pass out from Eben choking me. "This is it" I thought, "he's going to kill me." As I was getting ready to say my last few words I heard a voice from down the hall. "Hey!" The quite unfamiliar voice yelled, "leave him the fuck alone!" And with that Eben let me go, I collapsed onto the floor and the person who had yelled at Eben ran over to me. "P-p-please d-don't h-hurt m-e" I said, as I stuttered through tears. "H-hey, it's okay!" he told me while looking into my eyes "I'm not going to hurt you." He told me, his eyes were so gentle. They were blue but not too blue, almost like the ocean. I brought my knees away from my chest and let the boy hug me. "W-what's y-your name?" I asked him, "it's Jonah, I'm the new student" he told me. Corbyn was right, he was really cute. "What about you?" he asked, "m-my name is Z-Zach."

Jonah POV:
"Can you walk?" I asked Zach. I watched him struggle to get up but fall back to the ground, I frowned. "Hold still" I told him, as I lift his petite figure off of the ground and started walking to administration. "Y-you helped me?" he said, it sounded like more of a question though. "Anyone would have been a fool to not help you, baby boy."

Zach's POV:
"Anyone would have been a fool to not help you, baby boy" he said to me, oh boy did that make me swoon. I could feel my cheeks getting hot so I buried my head in his chest and he carried me to administration. "Thank you" I mumbled.

To be continued...

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