"sh, I'm here"

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(keep in mind, I didn't proof read lol.)

3rd Person:
As soon as Jonah got to the administration office; Zach's petite body in his arms, they asked him to go to the nurse. Only then, Jonah put Zach onto the bed carefully trying not to worsen the bruises on his fragile skin.

Jonah's POV;
I watched Zach as the nurse made an attempt to fix up his cuts and bruises. His lip quivered as his eyes became glossy and small tears rolled down his cheeks. I held onto his hand tightly, even though I hadn't known him for long; I couldn't bare to see him this way. I leant down, closer to his ear and whispered "sh, I'm here." He looked at me and gave me a half hearted smile, but his gaze became locked on the nurse once again as she told him she did the best she could. "Alright Jonah, would you mind taking Zach back to class?" She asked, "not at all" I told her.

Zach's POV;
Jonah and I walked out of the nurse's office hand in hand, our fingers intertwined. As soon as I saw no one was around a I pulled him in front of me and hugged him. It wasn't a long hug, but it wasn't a short one either. I felt safe. I felt like nothing else in the world mattered, but we all know that moment HAD to come to an end as Eben began to approach the two of us. "Alright, give me my boyfriend you fucking moron." Eben scolded Jonah. "Actually, I think you'll find you two aren't exactly together anymore. Huh Zach?" Jonah told Eben and looked down at me with a smirk. "I wouldn't like to think so," I blurted out. "I'm not a toy Eben, I'm a person and I do not like to be played with." All of a sudden, I don't know what came over me but.. I kissed Jonah. He didn't seem to mind, he brought his hand up to my jawline and caressed my cheek as I deepened the kiss. Eventually we pulled away for air, Jonah smiles at me and Eben chucked a hissyfit and walked away.

Jonah's POV;
"Aw, little Zachy wants to be dominant eh?" I teased, "s-shut up." Zach told me as he placed his hands over his normally rosy cheeks. "Don't hide that fact that you're blushing." I told him, "it's cute" I said with a wink. "I have to go, have fun in class babe." I told him.

Zach's POV;
What. The fuck. Just happened. Jonah fucking Marais- just called me babe, am I confused? Incredibly.

To be continued ☁️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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