equestria's history

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Twilight Sat on her evil throne, throwing one berry at a time into her mouth. Suddenly two ponies appeared from the chaos.

"Why hello Chrysalis, Fluttershy." She smiled wickedly at the two ponies who stood before her.

"The time for games is over twilight!" Chrysalys snarled.

"Really? I was going to play pin the tail on the changling." Twilight taunted and held up crysyls's tail. Gasping, chrysyls contained her anger. Instead she levitated some gems out of her bag.

"Why what do we have here?" Twilight looked away from her beautiful chaos.

"The... elements of harmony!" Fluttershy yelled in her whispery voice as she levitated the rest of the gems from her bag. The elements started spinning around the two alicorns, while twilight broke into laughter.

"You should see the looks on your faces! So determined!" She laughed hysterically as the rainbow hit her, freezing her into eternal stone.

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