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Four Months Ago

"Fangirls are weird." Off blurted randomly.

His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, and he just shook his head with a tiny chuckle.

"How are they weird?" Gun asked, fixing the wrinkles out of his pajamas.

"Well- they enjoy watching two guys to forcibly kiss. That's weird."

Afterward, Gun laughed and fixed his hair, regardless of the fact he was about to go to sleep. "Look at it this way, we're raising awareness to the LGBTQ community. Plus its all in good fun and we make a lot of great friends and meet nice people."

Gun looked atl Off who was busy texting away on his phone.

"Wait. What?"

A pillow was soon thrown across the room. "P!" Gun whined. The boy wasn't even listening. "Who are you texting?"

"Krist is asking me a question." He put down the device and pushed his straightened obsidian hair out of the way.

"Why are you here anyway?" Gun pouted, pushing the covers from the bed.

It was their day off but the older insisted on spending the day with his Nong. Gun figured Off would go home by now but no- he was staying the night?

It's not as if he hasn't spent the night before.

However... Gun had a small cozy apartment with one bedroom, since his parents were currently living in China but sent money to pay for his food and rent, and whenever they shared a bed, he got nervous. 

Off was already snuggled in, wearing nothing but his boxers- since all of Gun's clothes were significantly too small.

"I figured, since we have to shoot Off Gun Fun Night tomorrow, we can just arrive on set together."

Gun shrugged at the statement and got under the warm comforter. Though his back was turned, he could feel every shift made by the boy beside him

"What if we really kissed?" Off said, all of a sudden.

"P' we kiss all the time." Gun turned around, now facing the tall thai man.

"No. I meant like really kiss. No cameras. No script. Just us. We never had time to practice." Off seemed to inch closer with every word until Gun finally backed up.

His heart beating hard and fast, since when did his heart become a drum set?

"You're crazy." The younger tried to turn around but an arm around his waist stopped him. Off's arm.

"Wait- please. I just... Really like kissing you."

Was Off serious?

The sound of the air conditioner turning on pierced the silence adding to the texture of this fragile atmosphere. The two friends stared at each other, unaware of how to proceed within the tension.

Gun noticed Off swallow before flickering his eyes to his lips. Gun allowed Off to inch closer- he didn't know why- but soon the man was so close he could smell the shampoo from his hair. 

Soon, Off pushed his lips onto Gun's and the shorter didn't waste time in kissing back.

Gun's chest thumped erratically, though he wasn't sure if it's solely him or somehow Off's heart assisted the noise. It started innocently enough. Their lips molding with one another, and their hands wandering. Gun held Off's cheeks before carefully running his hand to Off's hair.

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