I was thinking.

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This is inspired by season 3 episode 17. Because I reaaally didn't want Josh to interrupt like that okay. sorry not sorry. 


This had been one of the most exhausting, terrifying and heartbreaking cases they had tried to solve. Castle was pretty sure the feeling was still hovering over all of them in the precinct, as they called it a night. They had gathered together to wind down, Montgomery had told him how lucky they were and the older man was right. Castle was surprised that they hadn't died earlier, after everything that himself and Beckett went through. 

The serene look she had given him after the captains statement made a warm sizzling feeling spread thorough his veins. There were so many missed opportunities between them and it was getting tiresome watching them pass by. Castle was well aware of the fact that she was dating another man, but he was sure his head was going to burst, if he didn't tell her now. Tell her how the warmth of her smile made his blood boil and the simplest of touches made his toes curl. That he wanted for them to just dive into it together, in that way that she had explained earlier that week when they were stuck in quarantine.

God, he wanted so much and he just need for her to know it, know that his heart belonged to her and that he was willing to wait. For her, for them. That the depth of her heart made him want to bare his soul for her in every possible way.

He told the group that he needed to head home, that he had to see his mother and daughter, and get some rest. Everyone understood, telling him goodnight and the boys patted his shoulder lightly, a silent appreciation that words couldn't conjure up. He gave them a genuine smile, the knowledge of being a part of this family was something he was grateful for. He could see in the corner of his eyes that Kate was watching him, and he heard her soft voice speak, telling all of them that she'd follow him out.

Once outside the small room, Castle turned his attention to the woman beside him. He had to hold his breath for a second, the blue polo-shirt she was wearing made her face glow and eyes glimmer. Bringing out the emerald green of her orbs.

"Hell of a day," she told him and he mimicked the words. A light sigh escaping his body.

The softness in her eyes made his heart hammer rapidly. His head was spinning with all the things he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure how to lay them out. For being a writer this shouldn't be hard task, but when she looked at him like that and smiled up at him, he lost every word his vocabulary.

"You know, I was thinking...," he started the words hanging at the tip of his tongue.

He noticed her attention sharpening, her shoulders relaxing as she waited for him to continue. Castle took a step closer to her, invading her personal space. His eyes never loosing contact with hers. The soft intake of air didn't go unnoticed for him as his hand found hers, boldly so lacing his fingers with her.

"I..., Kate, I don't want to miss another chance. First the freezer and then the bomb, it had me thinking that we, you and I..." the words got stuck in his throat, but he could see the recognition in her eyes.  

"I know you're with him, but Kate I want to spend tonight with you," he whispered the words, so quietly that she barely registered them.

He waited for her answer, but suddenly he notice a figure approaching and by the looks of it; he was certain that it was Josh. Castle dropped her hand, missing the feel of it instantly. He could see clearly the questions and debate in her eyes as he stepped back. The distance between them was enough to not read anything into it, and suddenly the other man was standing right behind her. Castle gaze lost track, nodding light towards Josh as he whispered a hoarsely "goodnight." The way she watched him as he slowly backed away was not out of pity, but of remorse. 

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