Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Pic of Cassy
Blaizes POV

"OUCH!! Damn Blaize." Xavier says holding his nose because I punched him.
"Hey, you cant blame me you were poking me and I didnt know who it was becuase I was sleeping. It could could have been a rapist." I said getting up out of bed and going to my closet.
"Ya, a rapist could sneak into a room with the most powerful alpha in the world." Xavier said sarcasticly.
"You never knowww." I said geting some clothes from my bag. I went to the bathroom and changed white shorts with a navy blue tank top and navy blue keds. I did my normal make-up and came out of the bathroom. Xavier took a shower before I woke up and I took one last night. He was dressed in a tight white v-neck with dark wash jeans and his hair in a perfect bed head look. Damn him for being so attractive.
"Come here." He said and I went and sat on his lap and rested my head on his chest.
"Blaize, who was the man that, hit you yeaterday?" He said sounding angry.
"My brother." I said holding in the tears.
"But hes from a different pack."
"I know. My parents died when I was 14. My brother took all his anger he had over them dying out on my, he told the pack to hate me. He could do that because he was beta. Eventually I got fed up with the abuse so I ran away and the Blue Moon Pack found me and treated me like family. They trained me and then I became pack fighter." I tell him and by the time I finish im in tears.
"Hey, its ok, you wont have to see him anymore, there alpha sent him back to there pack." He says carresing my cheek.
"Ok." I say wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Its 9:00, we should go eat breakfast." Xavier just replys with a nod.
We head downstairs and see Rain, Justin, Logan, Madison, David, Cassy, Austin and some other girl and guy I dont know all sitting at one of the tables in the cafiteria type room. Xavier and I get some pancakes and sit down. Xavier sits nexts to Austin and I sit next to Cassy.
"So Blaize would you mind intoducing us to your 'friend' over here." David says.
"Oh ya Daivid, Logan, Justin, this is my mate Xavier, Alpha of the Full Moon Pack." Logan and David stare at me with there mouths hanging open and Justin is choking on his drink. I just shrug it off.
"XAVIER!!!" The girl I dont know screams.
"What Abby?" He says looking annoyed. She leans across the table and smacks his head.
"You dont tell youre own sister that youve found your mate?" She says leaning back in her chair.
" Blaize that is my sister Abby, Abby this is my mate Balize." He introduces us.
"Nice to meet you Abby, how old are you?" I ask her out of curiousity.
"17, and you?" She asks.
"Sameee" I say giving her a high five. Then I turn to Xavier. "Whos that?" I say pointing to the guy Cassy is talking to.
"Oh thats Luka, hes my TIC." He says.
"Oh ok." I say. " Its 9:50 we should head over to the meeting room." I say to everyone.
"Ya lets go." Xavier says taking my hand and heading to the meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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