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Sarah woke up feeling colder than when she fell asleep. She looked to her side, and there was no Tyler. She felt a little disappointed. In an attempt to find him, she got out of bed and went to put her jeans and tank top that she was wearing last night, back on. Dammit her feet were cold. She walked out of the damp bedroom, making a floor board creak.

"Sarah? Are you awake? That you?" She heard Tyler say, coming from another upstairs room. He was in the bath.

"Yeah, it's me." She called out.

"Ah ok." He replied. Sarah went downstairs, her feet feeling like ice, and travelled to the kitchen. She filled up the kettle and boiled it, making 2 cups of tea. Carefully, she carried the two steaming drinks upstairs. She paused outside the bathroom.

"Tyler I made tea, ya decent?"

"Yeah, come on."

Sarah walked into the bathroom, and Tyler's lower body was covered by water and bubbles. Phew. He had a cigarette in between his fingers, blowing smoke from his lips.

She passed him the tea, then taking a seat on the floor and leaning her back against the bath, holding her tea.

"Thanks." He said.

"Thanks for letting me stay at your place."

The two sat in silence, drinking their tea.

"If you could fight anyone in the world, who would it be." She heard Tyler say, before the water sloshed a bit as Tyler changed position in the bath.

"I don't know. I wouldn't like to hurt anyone really, unless they hurt someone I cared about. Maybe my dad."

"Whatcha dad do?"

"He cheated on my mum and left her with me with no money or anything. Lots of other little things." She said.

"Ah well, fuck him. You have better people in your life. Your mom, right? Me?"

"Yeah, I got you." She smiled. Tyler settled back in the bath.

"I'm gonna head off soon, but I'll call you later. Hang on let me write my number on your hand." Sarah said. Tyler dried his hand on a nearby towel and placed it out for Sarah. She took out a pen from her pocket and wrote her number.

"See ya cheesy girl."

"See ya." Sarah said, standing up and collecting her shoes and jacket quickly before going downstairs and leaving the house.

4 days later

Sarah and Tyler has talked on the phone and met at Lous, then went for cheesecake once again, since their last encounter. And once again, Sarah found herself at Lous Tavern, dancing carelessly to the music. Except this time, she was wearing a purple leather jacket, with silver stars on. The music surrounded her as she danced, she was panting and getting tired. She decided to take a break. She plopped on a bar stool and ordered an apple juice. She wished Tyler was here. Just as she was about to take a sip, the doors were thrown open by a burly man with a gun, accompanied by two other men. They entered a smaller room. And curiosity got the better of her, as she jumped off her seat and followed them into the smaller room and down the stairs they contained.

It was a dark and humid basement. The three men were shouting and there was a large group of bloody, sweaty men. Sarah was panicking, and there was shouting and yelling and gun pointing. Shouting and yelling and gun pointing at Tyler. Sarah was scared now, scared for Tyler. And the stupid boy, whatever he was saying, kept egging the fat man on to punch him. Tyler was getting hurt and he was getting cut, bruised and punched. Blood dribbled from his mouth and covered his t-shirt. Sarah desperately wanted to go and help him, but from the look in Tyler's eyes, he wanted to do this by himself. Tyler was laughing, but it wasn't the same laugh as when she did something silly that he liked. It was a scary laugh, maybe the kind of laugh he does when Tyler's scared. The fat man had hold of Tyler's shirt and he was ruthlessly punching his face again and again, and Tyler just let him, doing that maniacal laugh. Every time Tyler got punched, Sarah flinched, her heart pounding. The man, now sweating, stopped punching him and Tyler jumped up, pushing him to the ground and shaking all of his blood that covered his face onto him, and was not letting go for dear life. Some of the other men tried to pull Tyler off of him, and after what felt like an eternity, they succeeded, and Tyler fell back. In a corner, a guy threw up. Sarah felt just as sick. The group of 3 men hurriedly left, pushing past Sarah.

Tyler was on the floor bleeding, and the group of men lifted him up, each one of his arms around someone's shoulder. Sarah ran forward.

"No, no, leave him for God's sake, you'll hurt him like that!" Sarah shouted. Tyler picked his head up to look at her, and Sarah almost cried at the sight of his bloody, bruised face. She ran forward to him, cupping his face, smearing blood and taking a look at the damage, all whilst crying a little.

"Tyler your face! You stupid boy! Someone go get a towel and wet it, then we can take him to the hospital." Sarah pleaded, trying to stop her tears. Her hands and the cuffs of her jacket were bloody now.

She looked up at Tyler. He looked awful. He tried to curve his lips into a smile, but winced in pain.

"Oh Tyler, you stupid boy. You could of got killed, he had a gun. You scared me real there, you know that? Don't do that to me, don't leave me!" She said to him, so only he could hear.

"Here you go." Some guy said, passing Sarah a damp towel. She was surrounded by a crowd of sweaty, gross men.

"Tyler this is gonna hurt a bit, but it's just so you don't drip blood everywhere. Okay? You'll be fine I promise."

Sarah tried her best to wipe the dripping blood from his face without hurting him, even though he still winced in pain every now and then. When she was finished, the other men helped him walk up the stairs.

"Who are you then?" A blonde haired guy asked Sarah.

"Oh I'm Tyler's friend, we met in here last week."

He laughed.

"Friend. Ha. Tyler don't let no friend touch his face or help him like that. You must be kidding yourself if your just friends."

"Uh whatever." Sarah said. Though she brushed it off, she still thought about on the way to the hospital, in which Tyler insisted she come along on. Sure, Tyler was hot. But she didn't want to push things, she liked to just let things happen where and when they are supposed to. Right now, she was busy worrying of Tyler would be okay, because he looked terrible when she tried mop up his face.

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