Hiya! Im Jess and this is my first fanfic. So Riley is gonna be played by Hannah Snowdon bc she is bae and i'd go lesbian for her. So yeah enjoy and comment bc i like feed back (: oli is gonna be in the first few chapters bc ship so yeah
Rileys POV
"RILEY HOOD GET THE FUCK UP IF YOU DONT WANT ME TO EAT YOUR BACON OR GIVE IT TO CALPAL!" Mum yelled. I groaned turning over seeing Oli had already left. I rolled off the bed and crawled to my closet getting out my clothes for the day; a plain white shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black creepers and Oli's black drop dead jacket. Pulling on my clothes i grabbed my bag and phone and slid down the stairs, i ran into the kitchen to see my brother cal "hey cal pal" i greeted. "Bye Ri" he smiled grabbing his car keys and leaving. I sat down and ate my bacon and drank my monster that'll be my source of energy for the day. I packed last months assignment which was due 7 days ago and put it in my bag. I said bye to mum and started walking to school.
Checking my phone the time read 8:45. I was late but oh well. I texted Oli telling him to meet at my locker. 15 minutes later i walked into school late, grabbing a late pass i went to ny locker and met Oli there. I kissed him hello and he handed me a packet of cigarettes and a white lighter. You see Oli is 18 and im 17 he was kept down in year 9. I met him at a house party 3 years ago and we hit it off immediatly.
Me and Cal get along, its just that we both have reputations to uphold him being popular (dont ask me how because he is the biggest loser i know) and im a rebel (i still get okay-ish grades i guess) i grabbed my notebook and pen and walked to english. I handed the teacher my late pass and sat at the back of the room. Bored of listening the teacher going on about Romeo and Juliet i sneakily pulled out my phone and texted Cal.
(Normal is Calum, italics is Riley)
Oi loser
Oi wot m8?
Wanna ditch with me?
Lmao no Ri fck off. Ttyl ily bae
Bruh. You aint a white girl stay in yo l-
I was about to send but got called on. "Hood! Whats the answer?" Mr Perry asked "21" the class started laughing. "You need to pay attention in class Miss Hood, you're already failing" he sighed. I rolled my eyes and finished the text
Bruh. You aint a white girl stay in yo lane. Ily loser xx
The bell rang signaling that we hati get to our next session. I looked at what i had. Ew PE. I went to my locker putting the code in and putting my notebook away and grabbing my sketch book and pencils. Locking it i went to the little tree house Alan, Austin, Oli, Matt N and I had built at the back of the school in the bush to hide for the session. I texted Alan telling him to meet me. He texted back right away telling me he was on his way.
*after school*
I walked out of my last class of the day (double math) and jogged to my locker so i could get the hell out of there. Grabbing my backpack i went to Oli's locker and met him with a kiss. We got into his car and he drove me home.
"Babe you wanna come in?" I asked as i stepped out of the car. "I uhh i-i have to go to my friends? Yeah! My friends house. Sorry baby maybe tomorrow" he stuttered kissing me goodbye and driving off. Hmmm weird. I walked inside and greeted mum "hello second child whom is better than Calvin my first child. I found a penis hat in the rubbish bin in your room. You and Olisauros did the frickle frackle, the monkey dance, the sex, the sexy time, do the deed, he slipped the hot beef injection, no pants dance, t-" "okay mumma bear thats enough! Yes we did the deed" i said. "Oh zayum boo! How big was he?! Bet he's a bug boy amirite?" She laughs. I facepalm and Calum runs in the room. "HE WHAT?!" He yelled.
"Oh don't act like you didnt know mate" i said. "Ok whatever the boys are over so go hide or i'll break your speakers" my eyes went wide. "Calculator you little asian fuck!" I yell as i run into my room and locked the door. Couse he has his bloody friends over. I pack an overnight bag and tect mum telling her im staying at Alans house because the boys are staying over and i dont want to stay inside all night.
I climb out my window and climbed down the tree. I walked 3 houses down and knocked on Alans door. He opened the door and saw i had an overnight bag. He opened it wider and let me in.
"Hey Ri, Cals friends over again?" He asked smiling. "Hey ginger princess. Yeah their staying over" i sighed. "Well put your bag in my room and we'll order pizza" he ordered. "Yes sir" i laughed and went into his bedroom. I loved Alans room. He had dark blue walls with band posters and pictures of us and Austin. I put my bag on his bed and ran into the living room. "Ashby baby i want a large pepperoni pleaseeee?" I asked giving him the cutest cat face i could.
"Alrighhhht fatty" he laughed poking my tummy. I kissed his cheek and turned on the tv. He left the room and ordered te pizzas. "Ok so my parents arent going to be back until Thursday so ask mumma Hood if you can keep me company so im not bored" he smiled. "Righty-o ginger princess i shall" i laughed.
Soon enough the pizza came and we watched movies. "No Alan! We aren't watching 500 Days of Summer just so you can fanboy over Zoey" i told him. He 'sobbed' into his hands "why?! Why are you tearing me away from my love?!" He dramatically said. Rolling my eyes i put Friends season 4 in the dvd player. We ate pizza while watching the hilarious tv show.
It was about 4am when we had managed to fall asleep. We both ran down the hall turning off the lights quickly because we were scared of the evil zombies that where going to attack us if we didnt hurry up. We both crawled into his bed and cuddled up. "Goodnight bestfriend" he snuggled. "Goodnight you little shit" i smiled. Soon we both drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Woah ok that was the first chapter and zayum that took about 3 hours to write oh. So let me know if it was good and if i should keep updating wew okay bye ily all (:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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