Chapter 2

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I was sitting on the chairs near the entrance as I wait for the announcement that we could board the plane. Packing up 23 years of stuff is not an easy task even though you have two sets of hands working on it.

We finished packing a day before my flight to Korea and all I can say is that I am not ready for this long flight after a weeklong lifting heavy boxes to the moving van.

I felt kind of sad that I had to leave my mom back home but I had to attend to some business in Korea and I just couldn't say no to my boss. I was offered a job in one of the clinics in Korea where my boss was associated with and my mom and I talked that if I were to move out then she would also just move to a smaller apartment since she's living by herself too. I haven't been apart from my mom for as long as I can remember but I also thought of it as an opportunity to visit some of the places I see and experience a new culture. So I kind of just went with my gut and bought that ticket going to Korea where I'll be spending the next two years by myself.

The overhead speaker was already giving out the announcement that boarding is in 5 minutes so I gathered my stuff and headed to the seat near the gate so I can just wait there.

Upon boarding, I hoisted up my carry on up on the overhead bin and settled on the seat next to aisle. I specifically asked the person in the ticket counter if I could have this seat since I always feel uncomfortable in long flights and wanted to get access if I need to go use the rest room. When I was already comfortable in my seat I got my BT21 hoodie blanket and put it around me then covered my eyes hoping for some good sleep because it'll be a 10-hour flight.

Moments later, I feel a finger poking my arm so I lifted up the blanket covering my eyes to see who was it. I was shocked to see a smiling Kim Seok Jin of BTS pointing to the seat beside me. I was flustered and embarrassed that I was sleeping soundly and even have his merchandise with me. So I fixed myself up immediately and stood up so he can sit on the window seat. My heart is pounding like crazy at this point and I am trying so hard to calm myself down since I don't wanna be all up on him as he was one of my idols in the music industry. I was trying to act nonchalantly as I settled on my seat too.

I saw him on the corner of my eye as he tried to fix his stuff and put a neck pillow on. I was already a deep shade of red at this time and was trying to avoid any eye contact with me.

"You like Rj?" He asked while leaning on the arm rest between us.

I jumped at the sudden sound of his voice and looked at him all wide eyed and unable to speak. He just looked at me waiting for my answer while smiling at me. When he figured that I don't have words to answer him at that moment, he just shook his head and laughed to himself then settled back to his seat.

I was still stunned and very much embarrassed at this point. I just wanted to get out of my seat and let the earth to swallow me whole but alas, the pilot announced take off in a few minutes so I just checked my seatbelt and tried to silence all the internal screaming on my mind.

I mean, I know it was gonna be a long flight but hell, I didn't know it was going to be this long..

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