Chapter 3

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**Recap** You and Zayn had an argument but then made up and confessed in liking each other

Chapter 3-- Helping Hands

Mel's POV

On the walk home from work, I remember the pain I had just went through, and how easily he had made me forget it. Just the smile on his face and the way he flutters his eyelashes when he blinks, the deep sound of his voice and his contagious laugh. I've never felt this way before, and I don't think I'm ready to.

I picture the way he looks at me, is this really different than the way he looks at everyone else? Am I really special to him?

I step into my apartment, and remember my emotional breakdown. It's so much easier to forget, because Zayn is constantly on my mind. This is literally the first time in years that I have ever walked into my apartment with a smile on my face.

*When I was 6*

"Amelia! Come back! Don't run away!" my friend Travis calls out from the living room.

"No way! You're it! Haha, I'm much too fast for you!" I clumsily ran, down the stairs, along the dark corridor, and into the main room of my basement. This was 12 years ago, before my mom had died and before we moved to England to escape the memories and the pain of that house.

I end up in the bedroom in our basement, and turn around. I'm cornered, Travis steps out from the darkness. "Haha, this was too easy--"

"Amelia! Travis! What are you doing down here! It's filthy, and dangerous." My mother scolds us and ushers us upstairs. Once upstairs, she joins my father on the living room couch.

"You know, you two might just end up like us one day, married. Wouldn't it be nice to marry your best friend, just like did?" my mother asks us.

"EWW!" Travis and I shout in unison.

"That's so GROSS!" I yell.

My parents both laugh and smile at each other.

"That's what they all say, until they fall for each other."

*End of flash back*

That's the first thing I think of when I remember my mother. I never ended up liking him, my mother had died and we moved before anything romantic could happen.

Why am I thinking of Travis now? Why am I comparing my friendship with him to my relationship with Zayn? I don't think we're in a relationship, we're just two... strangers.

It's different with Zayn. Is there such a thing as love at first sight? I don't think I'm feeling that. Is there a pill I can take for the stupid butterflies in my stomcah? No? Okay.

After a while there's a knock at my door.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"It's me, Zayn."

How the hell did he know where I live?

"You left your phone at my table, my friend thought it was mine... and your address was on this phone, so.."

Oh. Thank God it was him.

"Are you going to let me in?"

Oops. I quickly open the door, and I blush.

"Thanks, a lot, for the phone and everything..." Why am I so socially awkward?

"No problem, so, I guess I'll be going now--"

"No." I say quickly, before he could even finish. "Uhh, you should stay, didn't you want to get to know each other?"

Zayn's POV

Immediatly after she had said that my heart skipped a beat. She wanted to get to know me? Maybe this was just an excuse to talk about the conversations we've had earlier today. How is it possible that this girl has gained full control over my heart in the past 24 hours?

"Okay, then." I stepped inside the small apartment. It was cute. There were small knickknacks lining the edge of a bookshelf that was filled to the brim with classic novels. There was a new-looking colorful rug on the floor by the floral couch, and the living room was connected to a small kitchen with a round dinner table.

"So, what is it that you want to know?"


"What do you want to know about me?"

"Well, lets start off with something simple: Favorite color?"

"Purple, easy, next question."

"Umm.." My eyes wander around the apartment, searching for clues. "Where did you get that?" I say while pointing at an expensive looking knickknack, it was a sculpture of a teddy bear holding a jewel encrusted heart in its hands. It was about 10 inches tall and wide, and seemed old.

Her eyes show sorrow for just a moment, but then any sign of emotion is removed from her demeanor quickly after. "I got it from my mom, she, uh, gave it to my father and he passed it on to me. Simple, next one."

"What happened to your parents? Why don't you live with them?"

She takes a moment, and then breaks down into tears. She came crashing down onto my shoukder from the spot she had been sitting at, and I just wrapped my arms around her. We were on her floor as she sobbed into my shirt. We just sat there, holding each other, for a couple hours. I now understood why she had been so hurt, why she seemed to be in so much pain, but could mask it all with a smile.

I whispered into her ear over and over again, "Mel, it's okay, I'm here for you." 

Eventually, we both grew weary, and layed on her couch. My left arm was tucked around her torso, and my other arm cradled her head. Exhausted and emotionally distraught, she fell asleep in my arms.


Hey everyone, so how was the chapter? Comment what you think! And thank you so much to all my followers and readers because everytime I wake up to more fans or reads I have a mini heart attack and its amazing<3 I love you guys so much and keep reading and voting please!!!

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