Chapter 13

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Park's Residence

Haeun's POV

Unnie please don't cry anymore. I'm here for you. I promise to have revenge on mom and dad's death.

I'll join you guys unnie said

Are sure Junhee oppa ask unnie

Of course I am. I'm gonna kill Yurim unnie continue to cry.

Mm mm mm how did you both know your parents were in danger? Mr arrogant ask

Actually, we always have this weird feeling whenever they are in danger.

Flash Back

Four Years Ago

Practice Class

Author's POV

Haeun, why are you sweating like that? Professor Kim ask

Molla . What's happening to me? Could it be I'm dying? Haeun murmur.

Dying? Who is dying? Yuji ask worried.

No one is. Ahhh right, where is Yurim unnie?

I don't know. She didn't say anything to me.

Haeun's cell phone rings.

Ain't you gonna pick up your phone?

Haeun picks up. After two seconds.

Mwo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haeun yell

What's the matter? accident

Flash Back

Three Years Ago

In The Cafe

Unnie, how's you practicing for the competition?

It's hard but I'm still trying my best to win. How about you?

Professor Kim said I'm doing great and I might continue to have the scholarship until I graduate.

I'm so proud of you and I better drink my coffee before it gets cold.  As Yuji drink her coffee, the cup of coffee slipped out of her hand and stained her cloth.

Aish!! I gotta go to the ladies room.

Waitress !! Can you please on the air conditioner?

Miss, it's on.

Ok. Thanks. What's wrong with me. Unnie aren't you feeling hot in here?

No I'm not. I'm going to the ladies room.

In The ladies Room

After some minutes Yuji ran inside.

Unnie appa and.. omma ........are..

What happened to them ? Yuji Chimed in

End Of Author's POV

End Of Flash Back

So that's why? You both are awesome Byeongkwan said

Unnie I'm sorry, I couldn't protect omma appa and oppa

You don't have to feel sorry.

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