chaper one

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i'm massaging mike wazowski's feet. we had just finished playing mario kart and i needed to give him something for winning. "the uncle is playing better than j-i would. i am going to set a winner wager on "challenge". "

about a month after doing these things, Jeff left. Jeff is most remembered for inviting 'Rashaad 'Rathman and a few friends to his home and performing anal sex with them for several hours, including sharing a disgusting body part he cut off from a member of his band.

but that is beside the point. after mario kart i was massaging mike wazowskis feet. i kept doing it and he said "lets try this one more time" and then pushed my shoulders down.

i took one step, one step. one step, another step. another step. and when i got home the dentist "forgot" the next day. all i did after that was had my head shaven. he still gives me a file as a thank you for the last three years.

that was the last time i have been asked for any sort of name change. i thought there was a chance of that happening during my first year in the US. but after a lot of back and forth, and two phone calls to the chief in america, the senior dentist

mike always wanted to be a dentist. John answered no and gave me $5 to do it myself and was so kind and supportive. he paid me back 2$ then, 2$ for fixing my mouth, a few other of his teeth that were broken, but more important 2$ for learning about dentistry and spending time with him and his children. He's so amazing and I know I will be a better dentist. He told me it will take 3-4 years of practice to master his skills and taught me a lot too about oral health and explaining things to people that do.

mike was getting aroused thinking about teeth. He can see that I'm going to have to think about teeth for some time. When I was a year old, my mom took me to a dentist's appointment. When I was 8, I used to eat hair from the neck down to my belly button. I could actually get it off with the hair I had left after eating. Since I've had my teeth filed, I haven't wanted to eat my own hair. My dad used to give me pictures of people's teeth in braces. He always wanted me to be like those teeth.

mike wanted me to lick his teeth, it was what he was into. It was hot. He wanted my tongue. No tongue, I told him. Just oral. Just for him.

Papi's room was filled with clamps. Chains. Choke chains, hose covers, hoses, face muffling gags.

If you're wondering what I was taking, well, I had the inserts out. Plain, metal ones. Yeah, I was growing a tongue. No being turned into a cannibal, not now.

mike and i cuddled on the couch for a while, but he left to go clip his toenails. after we got cleaned up, we went back to the room and played some more. we started chatting and i told him i might be turned on by babies. he told me he didnt have a baby fetish, but i asked if i could picture him with his dick in his hand. he agreed, and i guess i did get turned on. after awhile, he said he was hungry, and asked if we could go out and get some. i said yes.

mike and i ate at the subway down the road. i mean, i was sure that if i drank enough it would taste better than the restaurant, but nahhh. unfortunately, it was more of the same. but, really, if the menu had more I'd order more.

mike and i then went home and spooned each other as we fell asleep. dave: now as you no longer feel like smashing your head against a brick wall, here's a solution, drink some tea and maybe a bottle of wine, i want to be able to say i was awake for 45 mins having a mad hahaha fight with sigmund in the same room. the next time i'm out on the floor, i'll drink up and see if the later stages of it can come on. 15/07/2012 17:27:23 AM

that was the exact time me and mike started dating. Fast forward 5 years. We have my kids from a previous relationship. My marriage is falling apart. My brother is a monster. My brother gets up to issues. He abuses women, and attacks everyone around him. I am about to divorce him. he is emotionally abusive.

"mike i am taking the kids." i tell him." "a good Samaritan helped us with that ." "gave us a ride to the doctor" ." "and we put the kids together." "solar power" "can do wonders for digestion" ." "so, you know," "you might want to talk" to the chiropractor about that" ."

bo - Oh.

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