|~Welcome to Hell...Again~|

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Heyo guys!!!! This is an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a little bit over three weeks now and I really wanted to finally write it out, so I hope that this book is enjoyable for you, some thought has been put into it after all! However, I don't know much about college life, so I apologize if some things are incorrect. (Google's gonna be my best fren for a hot sec here-)

@Lemons_youll_love07 lol ur gonna hate me for tagging you, but I hope ur proud of me for starting a second book lol. Ik you don't like countryhumans, so i'm doing this to annoy you. have fun-

 Anyways, I hope that you enjoy the first chapter of Theatre Kids! Roll intro!

-Russia's P.O.V.-

The doors of opportunity are finally open to me after twelve long years of hell.

Although summer is over, I must say that I'm excited for college. I finally get to take classes on things that I think personally benefit me and I like. Math can go suck a dick. 

Anyways, there's only one college for the countries, and that's Continent University. It's relatively humongous, it has to be because of how many countries there are, and it has many dorms. In fact, I'm staying in one. I'm unaware if I have a roommate or not, but to be honest I kinda hope I do. My sister wants me to be more social, so social I shall be.

I pull into a parking spot and hop out of the car, closing the door behind me. I walked around to the back of my car and opened the trunk, grabbing my suitcase, As an art major, I have a course that deals with traditional art, specifically painting,  so I have a "couple" of art supplies in my bag just in case. I walked up to the pavement and stared up at the building before me. 

I'm so lucky that I get to explore on my first day.

I haul my suitcase over the curb and begin to walk towards the entrance, my head held up high as I enter the building.

~America's P.O.V.~ (sorry for the quick p.o.v. change)

I was currently in my dorm decorating my side of the room. I had gotten word that I was going to have a roomie, so I wanted to make it look as presentable as possible. My gay ass is excited, okay? 

Anyways, I pulled out something from my bag that was very important to me. It was a snow globe that had a cardinal sitting on a branch in the center. This is quite possibly..the most important thing that I own. I wiped at the water that was beginning to form in the corners of my eyes and set the globe on my bedside table. I continued to stare at it for a few seconds longer before a knock sounded at my door.

"Come in!" I looked over my shoulder and smiled at my brother: Canada.

"Hey Amy! How you doing so far?" He walked over and sat on my newly made bed. (It's my flag by the way-) He looked over to the snow globe on my table and sadly looked at me. I nodded slowly and he smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

"After you get settled in with your roommate, why don't we explore together and get some pancakes at Ihop? You know, classic theatre kid style?" Canada elbowed me with a grin now on his face and I laughed.

"Boy does that bring me back to highschool.." I sighed.

"What do you mean "Bring you back"? We literally got out three months ago!"

We shared another laugh and just as we ended, we heard another knock on the door.

"Oh! That must be him! I'll see you later Canada! What do you say at about 2:00?"

"Yeah. I'll be there!" He made his way over to the door and opened it, revealing my new roommate. And by God and her almighty ways was he gorgeous. My mouth opened and Canada looked back just in time to see my gay panic. 

He giggled under his breath and simply left with a, "Bye Amy!" I blushed at his use of my girlish nickname in front of my roomie, and as I was about to yell at him for it, he was already out the door and down the hallway.

I sighed in annoyance before once again putting on a bright smile and sitting on my bed.

"Hey roomie~!"


"So, what's your name?"


"Well, nice to meet you Russia! My name's America."

"Nice to meet you too."


Hello there again! If you've made it this far I just want to thank you for reading. I know that this chapter is short so i'll try t make longer ones in the future. 



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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