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"Since I have already told you about the basketball court and the other sport fields inside this huge university and also the library in High School Department and the cafeteria next we'll be seeing the laboratories." I said to Xian after I toured him at the volleyball court.

"Hmm, sure?" he said using his cold voice so i towered him and then that sharp jawline of him makes him really so handsome.

And while fantasizing again to him, I didn't notice that he put his arm over my shoulder  again. Why is this jerk so  touchy towards me? And I didn't notice that there's a smile plastered to my face already while we were walking.

"And why are you smiling?" He said noticing me that I am smiling.

"Huh? Smiling? Am not!" I defended myself.

"Tss, don't tell me you are smiling because of this?" He said then he pushed me more closer to him, the fck?!

"Hey... what are you doing?" I said then distanced myself from him because people around us were watching again then he noticed it so he looked around too.

"Don't do that again, this PDA hmm?" I said then he just smirked then walked again.

"Okay master haha," he answered shortly.

When we arrived at the Junior High School Department' Computer Laboratory 1 which is the coolest of the COMLABs in Junior high school, I saw Gio going out from the entrance of the COMLAB, Omg! It's Gio! Gio Reyes!! The cousin of Mjosh.

Yes the cousin of MJosh Reyes and Gio is one year younger than me, he's still in grade 9 and he always stayed in COMLAB 1 like it is his own home.

Hmm lunch break is about to end and he stayed again there? Well the internet in COMLAB is strong and fast so I can't blame him and students here in USTA are free to use computers for online games, searching etc.

When we were getting nearer to him, I noticed that he is looking around like he is searching for something and hm maybe I can introduce Xian and him and i was about to approach him when this xHITan's phone rang and he took out his cellphone from his uniform's pocket using his long fingers then he excused himself.

"I'll just take this call," he said, then I just nodded before he left.

"Gio boy!"  I shouted and that is how I always called him to annoy him sometimes.

"Ohh Leiva! And please, I'll repeat this again and this is one thousand times that can you please-

"Stop calling me Gio boy? Uh it's so annoying," I  continued his statement and I also mimicked his tone hahah funny.

"Hayst," he said like he is controlling himself.

Gio is taller than me because obviously? I'm kinda short tsk, tsk

"I'm older than you so I have the right to call you whatever I want."  I said with a bitchy tone.

"Uh fck that right huh tsk tsk," he said like he was disappointed.

"And what are you doing here? It's a surprise you're here Leiva and ow," he said then covered his mouth. "Who's that hmm, Senior High school guy? Don't tell me he is your boyfriend?" He said while he was shocked and surprised.

Uhh what's wrong with these people? Is it their first time seeing me with a guy?

"Ang why do you care? And when did you start being gossiper?"

"When we start being friends," he said coolly and I  just glared at him then he whispered something "Damn it someone will be jealous tsk."

"What is it again? I can hear it Gio!!!" I said sarcastically.

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