Ch 10

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The guys woke up and they where a bit tired of what happened last night the guys want downstairs and
Make breakfast and after that the guys are in the
Living room and chatting
Alvin: I am tired of last night
Brandon: yea me to
Jack : same
Aron: me to
Eldwin: same as well
Brandon: cause of emerald Steve
Alvin: Yea and how those he get in our house
Eldwin: probably teleport in so no one noticed it
Jack: that a pretty good point cause Herobrine ,Entity303,Null can use power to teleport to
Aron : that makes sense now
Brandon: let's go take a walk to get our mind off last night
The guys stands up and they taking a walk in the Desert and then they have been teleport to a normal forest and the guys look around
Eldwin: not again
And then Emerald Steve appears above them and the guys look at him and he Grins evil
???:Well well well looks who finally show up
Brandon: actually you teleport us to here
The guys agreed
???: silent you fool how dare you interrupted
My talk and anyway I am here to Destroy you
And make you pay for what you have done to my brother
Alvin: it's wasn't our choice okay
???: whatever you say well let's me introduce myself my name is Emerald Steve let start the battle shall we
The guys pull out there Enchanted weapon and ready to fight Emerald Steve and so
Emerald Steve teleport behind them and hit Eldwin in the head and he groans in pain a bit jack swing his scythe at emerald Steve who dodge it and punch him in the stomach and he groans in pain and then Aron use his trident and to summon lightings at him and
Emerald Steve shot fire balls at jack and Eldwin
Aron use his trident to cover them with a earth shield Aron use a earth power to trap him in it but he
Keep breaking out and emerald Steve surrounded with lava under them Eldwin has a plan so he run up to him from behind and lift him up and emerald Steve struggling to get out his grip and throw him in the lava and Destroy them and he said it's not over yet. With that he is gone the guys decided to head back to go take a rest for now

The guys didn't notice that there was someone is watching them from a far it has red eyes and a gold crown and he grins evilly and he Disappeared in yellow particles
Hey guys how are you doing and who is this mysterious Steve
Sorry I have to was writing rush
I hope you understand me
Have good/Night great day
I will see you in the next chapter
Bye .

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