part 13

105 8 3

Jumping that jump felt like I was flying. It felt so so so fun.

He, again, did buck, but I just patted him.

It was all for exitment.

I letted him walk afterwards, giving him thons of pats with my reins super loose.

After that, I untacked him and gave him many treats.

"Amber, I'm so proud of you! You did so well, again! Fargo really suits you! And sorry about Katie. She's always jelous. I made sure she would never ride Ginger, as they don't go together. Ginger loves Mavis.."

"Oh, it's fine. And thank you!"


I heard my alarm go off.

Why? It's Saturday. Wait, it's Saturday...

Barn anniversary!

I jumped out of bed and rushed to the closet. I still managed to sleep in...

I put on my tan breeches, burgandy socks and sweater, put my hair in two braids and packed my backpack.

My mom was already down stairs, making breakfast.

"Good morning! You slept in.."

"I know.."

We both laugh.

"What are you making?" I ask, looking at the pan.

"Vegan pancakes! The plate is on the table."


I eat the very yummy pancakes and drinked some tea.

I take out the blueberry pie that I made yesterday for the anniversary and we go to the barn.

I walk into the barn. Most horses were already in, many riders were going all over the place. It looked like on happy barn comunity.

"Amber! Jennifer! Happy to see you!" Clara hug us both. She was wearing a nice outfit as well.

"Thanks! I made a pie." I show her the pie and hand it to her.

"Oh, that's so sweet! Thank you! Rosi is in, groom her." She says and walks away to put the pie in the tackroom.

I rush to Rosi's stall.

There she was, my beautiful mare.

She was happy again and she looked so good. She snorted at me as she saw me.

"Hello, sweet! Let's go on a hack."

She wasn't dirty almost at all. I gave her a quick groom. I also put on my nice-looking and brand new P.S. of Sweden burgandy saddle pad, half pad, saddle and riding blanket. Then I put her XC boots, bell boots and bridle.


lead her outside and mount her.

It was so nice being back on her. I hugged her.

"Everyone's up? Ok. Maddie and Lucy, come to the front. Faith and Milly behind, Ruby and Lily behind, Katie and Diana behind, Jane and Gina behind and Mavis with Amber at the back."

Why do I have to be with Mavis? Mavis, Mavis, Mavis, it's always Mavis!

Well, at least Ginger and Rosi were best friends...

We all pair up.

The begining of the trail was fine. Everyone was talking to their pair, about riding, school and stuff. But Mavis and I stayied quit.

We trotted a bit. Both Ginger and Rosi are fast horses, so it was very inconvenient for us to be at the back. We always had to stop and wait.

But I was still enjoying my hack with Rosi. And Mavis looked really good on Ginger. Ginger was happy to have Mavis on her back.


The group, it seemed like, was getting more slower every single step. We stoped and waited for like 5 minutes.

Then we continued walking. But we saw that we weren't catching up on the group.

"Let's trot."

We pick up a trot and trotted on, but the group was nowhere to be found.

We trotted for like 7 minutes and we reached where the path splitted in half.

"Um, I think it's going to the right." Mavis says.

I didn't know. This place didn't look fimiliar, but I went with it.

As we turned, a big part of a tree fell down. Rosi reared up, but it was fine.

I look to Mavis and she was laying on the ground, Ginger running away.

"Omg, Mavis!" I try to remain calm, but don't sucseed that much.

I quickly unmount Rosi and go over to see Mavis.

I help her stand up, but her leg was bleeding.

"Ouch!" She whined looking at her leg.

"Take off your sweater." I say.

She thankfully does what I say and I wrap it around her leg to stop it bleeding.

"I'll help you get on Rosi and we'll look for Ginger, ok?"

She nods.

I help her get on Rosi.

"Can you hold on to the saddle? We're gonna have to trot."

She nods, gripping her legs and putting her hands on the pommel.

I take Rosi's reins and urge her to a trot.

We looked around to find Ginger.

We didn't have to look for long. Ginger was about 10 metres away, grazing.

He came to us as he saw us. I take his rein.

"Why don't you get on Ginger? I'll walk both of the horses."

I stand Ginger right next to Rosi and help her get on Ginger.

"Thanks." She says, gripping the pommel.

I take both of the horses and lead them the way to home.

We walked silently for some time.

"Amber, look, I'm sorry. I was so stupid. I thought you were that rich girl, who gets everything and is mean. And I wanted to protect myslef."

"Ech... It's fine. I have went through so much this week, so yeah..."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I was bullied like never before at school, almost killed myself, Rosi got injured, my mom not working, Fargo...."

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry..."

"It's fine."

"Hey, Amber?" She said after a little while. "Can we be friends?"

I smiled.


To the Moon and Back |Horse Story| 《COMPLETED 》Where stories live. Discover now