Frustrations and Surprises

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As Lexa expected, Anya was already home when she arrived.

Forever curious that she is Anya can't help but ask her where was she.

Anya: Where were you, Dorky? I thought you were catching up with Lincoln...

Lexa: I was, but you know me well enough. I need my afternoon jog.

Anya: Yeah right. You went to see Clarke, am I right? (brows raised with a smirk on her lips)

Lexa: (blushing as she was caught red-handed) Uhmmm well... Yeah I bumped into her... What are the odds? Coincidence right?

Anya: We're in Pacific Heights, her gallery's in Russian Hill... How is that a coincidence? (laughing while looking at Lexa curiously)

As Lexa was about to reply, Lincoln came running down to see them... Lexa can't thank him enough for his interruption.

Lincoln: Anyaaaaaaaa!! (giving Anya one of his famous bear hugs) I've missed you Cheekbones.

Anya: I've missed you too Badass!

Before Anya could embarrass her in front of Lincoln, Lexa rapidly changed their topic of conversation.

Lexa: So where are we celebrating your return, Linc?

Lincoln: Uhmmm... Spacewalker maybe? It's been ages since I've been there...

Anya: Spacewalker it is then.

As they were heading for the dining room, Lexa texted Clarke as promised...

"Clarke it's Lexa. I hope you had a good day and you arrived home safely. I'm going out tonight with my sister and cousin. We will be at Spacewalker. If you're free. I would love to see you there. Xoxo"

For dinner, Linc wanted Filipino food. Niña, their chef since they were kids, is a Filipina. They kind of grew up eating and loving Filipino food. And Lincoln sure misses it.

She made them their favorites... Lumpiang Shanghai, Menudo, Chicken Adobo with White Rice, and Leche Flan for dessert.

The Woods were all contented with wide smiles after eating. Remembering their childhood... Once carefree and innocent.


Clarke arrived home feeling as if she was in heaven.

She still can't believe that Lexa came to see her and she even asked for her number.

Maaaaan... Lexa Woods is hitting on her and she could've been more proud.

As she entered their hallway, she could smell the delicious aroma that was coming from the kitchen...

Raven Reyes is cooking dinner. Today's menu is Cuban... Empanadas, Lechon Asado, Bistec de Cerdo Ancebollado, Arroz Imperial and Dulce de Leche ice cream.

Clarke loves it when Raven cooks as she herself is not so keen on cooking even if she has the recipe in front of her.

Clarke: OMG... Rae, you're a freaking chef!! These smells delicious.

Raven: Thanks, babe. I know you can't cook even if your life depends on it, (smirking at Clarke) and as the saying goes... If you want things done, do it yourself. (winking at Clarke)

Before Clarke can reply, her phone buzzed.

It's a text message from a number she didn't recognize...

When she opened it... A huge grin was creeping on her lips. Lexa texted her as she promised...

She was about to reply when her phone started ringing... It's her mom, Abby Griffin... She smiled remembering that it has been ages since they saw each other.

Clarke: Hey, Mom! How are you? It's been ages... You're on speaker. Raven's here...

Raven: Hi Mama Griff!!! (Raven shouted)

Abby: Girls!! I'm fine. I miss you and Raven!! That is why I'm coming to visit tonight with Marcus... Raven didn't tell you, hasn't she?

Clarke looks at Raven confused but not for long... She then realizes that's the reason why Raven cooked tonight...

Raven: (looking at Clarke with sad puppy eyes mouthing I'm so sorry) I didn't have the time to tell her she just came home, Mama Griff...

Abby: Clarke... You don't mind, do you? I mean I hope...

Clarke: No, of course not, Mum... See you tonight...

Abby: See you two tonight then... Bye hun.

Clarke: Bye mom. See you guys in a few.

With that she hang up, looking at Raven with fury but she subsided because it's true they haven't seen Abby for the longest time.

Raven: Babe I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you but that backfired huh?

Clarke: It's OK Rae it's just, Lexa wanted to see me at Spacewalker tonight. I just have to say no... I'll see her tomorrow.

Raven: OMG... I'm so sorry... We can go after dinner or something...

Clarke: You know, Mom... She'll talk forever and will be downing bottles of wine. I know, they'll crash here for the night. It's OK Rae, no worries.

Before helping Raven set the table... She sent Lexa a reply.

"Hey, Lexa... Glad to see your message. Happy to know you keep your promises. I would love to be there with you but my mom's coming for dinner. And dinner with the Griffins can finish at around 5 am. She'll be staying for the night. I know you guys will be having fun. Think of me though cause I know I will be. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Xoxo"

As she waited for Lexa to reply, she started to set the dining table. Slightly remembering the day Abby introduced Markus Kane to her.

Markus Kane owns Arkadia Medical Hospital. Abby's the Head Neurosurgeon. Clarke sometimes takes on extra shifts there when they're swamped.

Clarke accepted that her mom is seeing someone else. Besides, it's been 5 years since her dad, Jake died. It was time for her mom to be happy again. Marcus makes her happy and that is enough for Clarke.

She heard her mom's car parking in the driveway. Together with Raven, they opened up to welcome them with open arms.


Lexa's all ready for tonight. Tight white jeans, rolled just above her ankles, a black tight v-cut shirt, and a pair of Yeezy. Light make-up, and her hair styled to her liking. She's a hunk! Her muscled arms and her abs are a sight.

The ladies will surely want to eye fuck her all night but the only lady she would want to eye fuck with or more is Clarke.

As she exited the bathroom... Her phone buzzed. It's Clarke. Her smile dimmed a bit after she finished reading her message. Halfheartedly she replied to her.

"No worries Clarke. A bit disappointed though. I wanted to see you. But family comes first. I get that. We will see each other tomorrow and I can't wait. I'm happy that you will be thinking of me. I'll be thinking of you too. Have a nice evening. Xoxo"

As they were about to leave, Lexa couldn't help but feel frustrated. She wanted to see Clarke badly. She knows she'll have a good time with Anya and Lincoln but she wanted Clarke.

Even if she doesn't know where this thing with Clarke is heading... She swears fealty to her. Never will she allow herself to be tempted by no other than Clarke.

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