🖤 | flowers jjk 3

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Walking into the cold room with his head down, Jungkook strayed behind Namjoon, avoiding the dissapointed stares being thrown harshly at him.

Namjoon walked slower, making it so that he was beside him. Though Jungkook thought of himself as embarrasing, Namjoon still ignored the glances at younger boy beside him.

Shit, Jungkook nervously thought, as he spotted his friends, her family is in the same row as us.

Suddenly, his palms were more sweaty than usual and his head spun even more, the room creating an even more darker aura than it already had.

(random a/n jungkook had knees weak arms were heavy mOMS SPAGHETTI-)

Namjoon sat before Jungkook did, leaving Jungkook to sit in the chair closest to the isle. Yes, because plot said that he needed to be in the chair next to [y/n]'s family. Also because author likes drama. So hush.

Scoffing, Taehyung stood and walked past Jungkook, not bothering to spare even a glance for him as he made his way to the front, joining the few people that were up feont.

Jungkook, wanting to pay his respects, decided not to sit down and followed Taehyung. Reaching the front, he immediately regret his decision as he looked down onto the girl who laid there, lifeless.

The few people there noticed the tension and walked away, bowing to both Taehyung and Jungkook as the left.

White roses littered [y/n]'s arm, as she was dressed in a white dress. The color on her once lively face was now drained away, makeup evident on her once blooming face. So pure, so innocent.

Yet so naïve.

The hopeless romantic that once entrusted Jungkook with her entire life, now in a coffin.

The white roses on her arm were stained with what Jungkook could only distinguish as red. Red blood.

(random a/n: yes what other color blood is there jungkook u dumby dumb coconut)

Though he wanted to scream, cry, throw the nearest chair to him across the room, he didn't. There was no point in it, he couldn't change the past.

He only wish he thought about that sooner.

And for hours, he stood there, his cheeks now dry and the bags under his eyes heavier than usual.

Everyone else in the room had already left, paying respects to everyone as they went. The five boys had already left, wanting to buy dinner for their two friends who they considered their own brothers.
The only people left were Taehyung and [y/n]'s family, who didn't trust nor like Jungkook one bit.

And yet Jungkook stood still, not moving.

Until he felt a presence beside him.
Giving a short glance to the slightly shorter person beside him, his eyes were met with the dull eyes of [y/n]'s mother.

Her eyes bore into him for a moment, analyzing and taking his appearance in. She then released a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"You know, she'd never stop talking about you." She began, looking away as it was clear she had been crying. Her voice remained hoarse, as it trembled with every word she spoke.

She lay a shivering hand on top of the coffin, more tears threatening to spill, her eyes becoming even more glassy by the moment.

"I really thought you were the one for her."

And that... was all it took for Jungkook to break.

His legs went limp, as his already shaking hands that shook even more reached for her. With all his leftover strength, he pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He said, the shakiness in his voice evident.

And there it was. The familiarness of her mothers embrace. It felt just like her daughters.

As weak as it may seem, she buried her face into his chest and pat him on the back. And though he didn't mind, he felt his suit get damp. In that moment, though his wet suit was now a bit uncomfortable, Jungkook felt the slightest bit of safetiness in her welcoming embrace.

He didn't understand. After everything he has done, the pain he's caused his own family and hers, why was she still forgiving him? But he couldn't care less. He needed the assurance and she was giving it to him.

Taehyung watched from afar, his eyes looking down in his lap as he clenched his fists. Did he also have the heart to forgive him? Seeing her mother being able to accept what he has done, it just didn't seem right.

And as her mother pulled away from Jungkook, she wiped her damp eyes and held Jungkook's arms. "Though what you've done was terrible - I know you can change." She started, rubbing his arms.

"Please change. If not for her, but for your brothers." She continued, her eyes trailing over to Taehyung, who was still downcast and looking at his lap.

Jungkook took a deep breath, and nodded. He needed this. He needed her comfort the most.

He hugged her once again and gave one last final glance at your dead body. His hands, now not trembling rest on the coffin.

And as he walked away, pain surged through his body. He needed this. He needed to let go and change. For the better of himself, and everyone around him.

He reached Taehyung and meekly tapped his shoulder. Taehyung looked up at Jungkook with tears in his eyes now as well, as he stood up and wrapped his arms around Jungkook.

And that night, the seven brothers went out for pizza, and though the two boys remained quiet for the remainder of the dinner, they enjoyed their prescence, as they needed it.

As they exited the restaurant, everyone went on thei own ways, but not before giving themselves the supoort and much needed hugs.

Taehyung gave Jungkook a small smile as he left, going about on his own way.

All that was left was Namjoon and Jungkook. As they walked down the streets of their neighborhood, the older male looked down at Jungkook. He wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, rubbing his arm in the process.

"I know you didn't mean it. Temptation is a bitch. I'm proud of you." Namjoon said, giving a tight but genuine smile to him.

And in what seemed like forever, Jungkook smiled, finding the tiniest bit of comfort in the older boys words. Though the truth did hurt, he knew he did something wrong and accepted his fault and any consequences that came with it.

He looked up to the sky, smiling softly, as the roses on his arm began falling away, a trail of petals left behind him.

He accepted his fault, and though his actions may have changed his life, perhaps for the worst, he was able to move on from it.

Sure, your whole family have turned their backs against the seven boys, cutting off connection with the boys.

And sure, Taehyung seemed a little distant, unsure how to handle the situation lightly.

But in the end, everyone was able to collectively learn that maybe...

Just maybe... you had wanted them to learn from this.

And as your family buried you in a nearby graveyard, small tiny white roses sprouted from the grass, surrounding the burial.

And Jungkook watched from afar, watching them do the same thing you always seemed to do.


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