Day 1-mr.chow

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For those of you wondering what this is, im going to be recording my journey through the wonderful land of chernaurus. I will record everything for you my fantastic readers. Now for day 1.

P.S. I want you guys to comment what I should call my fans throughout this book, I will pick the one I like the most and the commenter shall recieve my following of him and my voting on my favorite book by sed reader and I shall put them in the book as whoever they want to be called but as a minor character. Whew that was long.TO THE BOOK!!!!!!!


I spawned in the coast just north of electro. I took a minute to collect my surroundings then ran of towards stary. I didnt go far before I saw another fresh spawn laying on the ground. I ran up to him and saw his leg was bleeding and he was handcuffed and had a sack over his head, I saw the key to the handcuffs a few feet away so I picked them up. I then said "hey buddy ima bandage you up just tell me what happened to you." He responded while I tore my shirt into rags "Some guys asked me if I needed food so I told them yes when I walked over to em they broke my legs and handcuffed me then put this sack on my head." I felt sorry for em for I have had previous encounters like this before as well. So I asked, "Alright I found the keys to the handuffs lets get them and the sack off." Once he had the handcuffs and the sack off he asked my name so I said "Its jayclaw but you can call me jay." He responded with "Well jay I cant think you enough im mark by the way, one more thing can you get a splint for me so I can go after these guys?" I decided on helping so I said " I tell you what I get you a splint but I'd like to come with you and bring justice to those who spread fear and give a fuck about justness." Clearly he understood the phrase because he said, "Ha, your a fan of blakemusic on youtube, well so am I and I'd like your company very much." I then spent the next twenty minutes getting him a splint. "Alright we got you a splint." I said as applied it. He said, "I overheard them say the were going towards the apartments, so we should head that way but fast the have mabye a hour headstart by now."(Ima leave out what happened between then and the apartments because it was just some running, fighting zeds, and hearing shots in the distance) We reached the apartments just before sunset, i went to turn and ask mark what te plan is when we heard "Hey you two!!!! Are you with that guy that camps here?" I turned around and saw to guys behind us pointing mosins at me and mark. "No, were just going through." The two men didnt stop pointing their weapons at us instead hey responded " Well looks like you two boys are in trouble then." "Look man we dont want any trouble." Mark responded for me. "Too bad cause thats what youre gonna get." One of the guys pulled out some cuffs and went to restrain us but he was lit up by some m4 shots from our right. Me and mark jumped behind a car to our left. Trying not to get shot by the remaining guy and whoever shot his friend I peeked out in time to see the last guy drop. Both dead from shots to the head. I pulled back to cover teling mark to get ready to run when whoever killed he guys spoke "You guys ok, those guys are nasty bandits always looking for a fight." I looked at mark then answered "Yea were fine, can we trust you?" He chuckled then said yea so we came out of cover. "Hey youre the guy the bandits attacked up the coast ain't you (to mark of course)." So mark said "Yea, howd you know?" The man said "I'd been following them for a bit when they came across you, I wanted to help but back then I only a had a magnum, so you found a friend i see, well dont stand her all night loot them bodys and come inside with me." Our savior then introduced himself as mr.chow. We looted a body each me and mark then went in and explained our goal to him then we all went to rest and made plans for the next day.

Well an exciting first day on this character. Well keep reading and comment vote and follow.

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