Audrey - Flirty Elsa Daughter #4

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Requested by Multifandotakugirl 

It was a typical day in Auradon for you. You were currently hanging out with your friends, Lonnie, Jane, Chad, Ben and your crush Audrey, although you never told anyone that you had a crush on her. Heck you even try to flirt with her even though she's with Ben. However, some pick up lines you tried almost worked whilst the rest were just completely awful. Like the one time you said to her, "Call me Pooh because all I want is you honey." Let's just say that did not end well. Ben on the other hand thought you were messing around and thought it was hilarious. He's too much of a golden retriever to get jealous.

However, things changed when the VK's came. Jay, Son of Jafar, Carlos, son of Cruella De Ville, Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen and lastly, Mal daughter of the most feared villain in the land, Maleficent. You were slightly on edge about their arrival at first and even spoke to your mother, Queen Elsa about it but when they chose good over evil, you immediately became friends with them. You even wore VK style outfits too. Your signature colour being blue and white. Eventually, you hung around with them more than your original group of friends. Of course, you would hang out with Audrey alone when you could but then she stayed in her fairy Godmother's cottage for a long time and so you didn't see her at all.

Time Skip

One day, you decided to head to the ice cream parlour. You found Audrey there alone not even touching her ice cream. You heard about Audrey turning evil and that no one trusted her after that. You felt bad that you hadn't been hanging around with her lately. As you knew you could have helped her through the break up with Ben and been there to pick up the pieces. You decided to go over and sit with her. 'I can try and be there for her now as much as she'll let me. I do still like her.'

"Hey Audrey, how's things?" You asked. "Oh, hey y/n, fine." She said even though you could tell she was lying. "I'm sorry about Ben, you can talk to me if you ever need to." She nodded and gave me a small smile. I noticed her raspberry ripple ice cream had melted so I asked, "Want me to use my magic to freeze it for you?" You also inherited your mothers magic. "No that's okay. I was just about to leave anyway." She said sadly and left the ice cream parlour. You sighed and wondered how you were going to make her happy again. You knew now wasn't the time to be flirty with her. Then, you realised you can just ask Evie and Mal for advice. So, you left and went to find them which didn't take long as they were in Evie 4 Hearts.

Once you found them, you asked them, "Hey guys, I've noticed Audrey seems down lately, wondering if you had any ideas how to cheer her up?" Evie and Mal looked at each other as though they thought of something then turned to look at you. "Y/N, you do realise Audrey is now single and even though Chad tries his best to win her over, she wants nothing to do with him. Do you know where I'm heading with this?" Mal said. You shrugged not knowing what she was getting at. "What Mal is trying to say is, maybe you should try and be there for Audrey. We know you like her and I'm sure she does too. Maybe you should ask her on a date or something." "But Audrey is into guys not girls." You told them. "You might be surprised at the outcome if you tell her y/n." Mal told me. You sighed and said, "Fine, it's worth a shot."

With that you went to find Audrey who was in her room writing in her journal. Her door was open but you knocked on anyway. Audrey looked up, "What are you doing here y/n?" You went inside and closed the door which caused Audrey to raise her eyebrow. "I came to check if you were doing any better." She sighed and said, "Not really." You could see in her eyes she was holding back tears, so, you walking over to her and hugged her. That was when she burst into tears. "What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" She asked. "You'll always have me, if you want me." She looked up and smiled. What she did next you most definitely did not see coming.

Audrey pressed her lips against yours. It was gentle but so much meaning and emotion was put into it. Still shocked, it took you a moment to respond to the kiss. A short while passed and she pulled away much to your dismay. "You know some say Auradon is the happiest place on earth but clearly, they have never been in your arms." Audrey said to you which again left you surprised but you liked that she was finally yours.

Ending this one here. Sorry if it's not that good. I hope this is what you wanted to the person that requested this. And let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote! :)

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