Audrey - A New World #7

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Your POV:

It was just a typical day in New York, sat at home trying to figure out who the initials tattooed on my wrist belong too. So far everyone I have met, the initials don't belong to any of them. I'm slowly losing hope that I will ever find who they are. After a long day, I decided to call it a day as it was late anyway and got ready for bed. Before I knew it, sleep engulfed me. But what I was completely unaware of was the initials on my wrist began to glow.


Audrey POV:

After the celebration of the barrier being taken down, I went too the Enchanted Lake as I knew it would be quiet round there. I just needed to forget recent events that have occurred. I sat down by the lake for a while. However, the peaceful scene was interrupted by a large white glow on the lake and what I saw next I definitely did not expect. A girl floated along the water and drifted towards me. I pulled her out of the water though I didn't know what to do next. Suddenly, her eyes opened and she began coughing up water. My question now is, who is she and where does she come from?

Your POV:

My eyes flew open and I coughed up water. Wait, why am I coughing up water and more importantly, why am I not at home in my bed? I then noticed a girl sat by me. I'd never seen anyone like her before. Everything about her was just so different, her clothes, style etc. "Who are you?" She asked. "Y/n L/n. Where am I? I'm guessing this is no longer New York." I said to her. "New York? I've never heard of it. You're in Auradon. I saw a white glow on the lake and you appeared just floating on it. I pulled you out and that's how I found you. I'm Audrey by the way. Audrey Rose, daughter of Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip." I stared at her completely dumbfounded then laughed. "Good one. And I guess I am the daughter of Queen Elsa." I said sarcastically.

Audrey POV:

I knew she was being sarcastic but I don't see what her problem is. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Seriously? Sleeping Beauty, Prince Phillip, Queen Elsa? They're fairy tale characters, meaning they are NOT real!" She said. My eyes widened at her comment. She thinks everyone and their parents in Auradon are fiction! "We are too! I can introduce you to them and the king and queen, Ben the son of Belle and Beast and Mal-" "Ooh, ooh, let me guess! Mal is the daughter of Maleficent?" She said in a mocking tone. "Okay, it's a good prank but I'm heading back to New York." I knew at this point she was beginning to panic. But wait a minute, her name is y/n l/n? Her initials match the ones printed on my wrist.

Your POV:

I was definitely freaked out at this point. I mean how did I manage to travel to another world without knowing it? Suddenly, the initials on my wrist began to glow. Wait a minute, she said her name was Audrey Rose? That means her initials match the ones on my wrist and it's glowing! That also means she must be my soulmate but what do I do now that I have found her? I don't want to scare her off. Audrey then looked at her wrist and showed it to me. Hers was glowing too. "What does this mean? Why do we have each other's initials?" She asked. I sighed, "It means when initials on each other's wrist begin to glow and they match, they are soulmates. But I mean we just met so..." I paused as I didn't know what to say next.

Audrey POV:

There was a moment of silence before I responded. "Soulmates? I mean you're right we have just met but we can get to know each other first if you like." I said hopefully. She nodded, "Sure, especially since I don't know this place at all. Would be nice to be shown around?" She said, well more like asked. "I'd be happy too" I stood up and helped her up. "Okay, first things first though. I need to introduce you too King Ben and Queen Mal." I told her. I mean I'm sure they'll need to know about someone who's just travelled from another world to here. "Lead the way." She says happily and we make our way back to Auradon Prep.

Ending this one here. I've left it open in case anyone wants a second part. Let me know what you thought and don't forget to vote! REQUESTS CLOSED!

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