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Annika was impatiently waiting in front of the building in which Shivaay had disappeared a while ago. She had wanted to accompany him but he had refused, saying that her presence could affect Mr. Reddy's decision.

Thus she was in the middle of a game on her phone when the young man knocked on the window of her car. He just smiled at her before getting inside the car.

"Thank you for having waited for me, Annie!" He said warmly and unknowingly but mostly unwittingly, she blushed. But she didn't only blush, she blushed like never before, the red hue reaching her ears, not because she was affected by him... well, to be honest, she was, but at that moment, it was mostly because no one had ever thanked her for staying, no one had ever seen her value except for Ofelia, and now, Shivaay, her supposed enemy. Moreover, he had given her a nickname! Didn't it mean that she was dear to him? This thought kinda warmed her heart but she couldn't let him know that.

"Dosti ka ek usool hai mister Oberoi. No sorry, no thank you." She winked at him and Shivaay smiled.

"I think we can now go celebrate, Mr. Reddy accepted to have me as a trainee."

"Congrats, Shivaay! Now it's a time for celebration!" Annika chuckled and started the car. Off they went to the party. During the ride, Shivaay called his mother, telling her that he would be partying with Annika and that she needed not to worry. As they reached, sweating bodies were already dancing against each other. They were mostly under the effect of alcohol and Annika and Shivaay hardly managed to get inside without having some dudes forcing some drinks down their throat.

"Wow, that stuff is really burning my throat!" Shivaay coughed after someone made him drink a shot of vodka. Annika was completely motionless as she saw Daksh and Kaia dancing on the dance floor or better say, humping each other on the dance floor.

"Hey Annie? Let's dance!" Shivaay said, clearly a bit affected by alcohol. Unlike Annika, this was his first time drinking. Annika dragged him on the dance floor and they began dancing to the beats of 'Besharmi ki height'.

In the beginning, she was preoccupied with Daksh literally devouring Kaia's face but as the night went on, her attention drifted to the man she was dancing with, her nanny's son, Shivaay.

They spent half of the night dancing and trying new drinks to Annika's insistence. Though Shivaay was totally drunk, he still cared for her well-being and as she was about to gulp down a shot of vodka, he just held her hand.

"Come on don't be a pain in the ass! Let me drink!" She whined.

"No!" He said and she stuck out her tongue at him.

"Keep it, I'll get another one!" She said, the alcohol completely controlling her mind.

"Don't you dare! You're under my responsibility! If I tell you don't drink, then you don't."

"How can you stop me?" He seemed to think for a second but the next thing she knew was that his lips were on hers, stealing her first-ever kiss.

"If I can't keep your hands off drinks, let me just make your mouth busy..." He said in a deep voice that Annika found oh so charming. The second time, she was the one who kissed him first, locking their lips in an innocent kiss. That time, she let her fingers roam in his hair, savoring the smoothness of his curls, while his hands rested on her waist.

As they parted from each other, Annika's clouded vision caught a glimpse of Kaia's bothered face, but to be honest, she couldn't care less. Whether it was the alcohol or just her heart speaking on its own, no one would ever know but Annika slipped her hand in Shivaay's hand and took him in the nearby room.

Annika could feel her head spinning and she also felt the morning breeze hitting her back. She sleepily rubbed her eyes before looking at her surroundings. It was a place unknown to her. And as she looked around, she spotted drops of blood on the sheets covering her nude body. That's when she noticed the pain on her lower abdomen as if it had been torn. She looked inside the covers and not only did she see her nude self but she also saw someone else's ass laying beside her! She hurriedly removed the sheets covering the person's head and her world collapsed, realizing that she was naked with someone as naked as her, who was none other than her nanny's son!

"Shivaay?!" Annika roared. He groaned and stretched his arms before slowly opening his eyes to find a naked Annika, a naked and teary-eyed Annika.

"Annika? What happened? What are you doing here and dressed like that? I mean... not dressed at all!" He tried to touch her but she pushed his hand away.

"I cannot believe that I, Annika Davis would sleep with a beggar like you! God, how will I look at people now?" She sobbed while Shivaay stood there completely taken aback.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh because you think that I would just befriend someone like you out of the blue? I did it to make Kaia jealous! You have never mattered to me Shivaay and you will never matter to me!"

Her Nanny's Son - A Shivika fanfiction - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now