UwU vs The normals

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TwinkleToes: The rise of the UwU's say UwU

Uravity: UwU

Hardenup: UwU

SmolMight: UwU

WheresWaldo?: UwU

AlienQueen: UwU

RichTea: UwU

HotnCold: What is this?

Froppy: Kero?

SugarGood: Oh no! They got Kirishima!



Octopusboi: There is nothing left for Kirishima...

Hardenup: -w-

Boombaby: B-but there has to be something

Octopusboi: Im sorry.. there is nothing

Boombaby: Kiri? Why?

Hardenup: 0w0

SmolMight: owo 

HotnCold: Midoriya is something wrong?

SmolMight: TwT

HotnCold: Baby?

OctopusBoi: Who knew the Apocalypse would arise faster?

DarkRevelry: I never would have thought we need to hurry and find that cure ASAP

Froppy: I agree

EmoEarlobe: I also agree

SonicZoom: Wow what a day

ZappyPikachu: Im so happy I have everyone I need in my life rn

SpidermanWho?: Me too <3

ZappyPikachu: <3

AlienQueen: Thy UwU shall prevail!

WheresWaldo?: My queen? How shall we over throw this kingdom?

TwinkleToes: Yes Your highness

SmolMight: Shall we use our godly powers?

AlienQueen: Yes! Magnificent idea Mido!

Hardenup: As thy new child, what shall I do?

AlienQueen: Stay in the castle! I will not allow no harm towards you!

Boombaby: I will find Kiri you pinky!

AlienQueen: Not under my guards!

HotnCold: I'm going to get Izuku out of there!

SmolMight: Eat this! UwU uwu -w- owo 0w0 -wO

HotnCold: *Gets hit with the -w-*  No!

SmolMight: Kawaii~

Boombaby: Half n half? Report in!

HotnCold: Im not gonna make it!

AlienQueen: One down a whole lot more to go

Boombaby: I shall avenge you bastard!

Hardenup: -wO

Boombaby: *Hit with the -wO* Damn!

ZappyPikachu: We have to save them!

OctopusBoi: Bakugo! Todoroki! Answer me!

Hardenup: Kawaii~

DarkRevelry: Damn it! 2 lost soldiers!

WheresWaldo?: Yoohoo! 0w0

DarkRevelry: Can't beat me that easily! Ha!

OctopusBoi: Dont be reckless you UwU!

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