How long has it been..?

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2 years later
Nezumi POV
I was sitting on top of a cliff staring down the canyon and the light reflecting on the water. I swear I saw Shion on the water but I rubbed my eyes and he was gone. I sighed cause I must have been hallucinating again. That's weak. My robot rat then suddenly showed up. Strange, I thought I lost it. Oh well. I then a dog barking. Crap. I turned around and saw a dog running towards me, and it looked like one of dog keepers dogs. I stepped away from the edge and watched the dog run up to me and just randomly stopped. "Huh?" The dog has something in its mouth and it dropped it. It was part of a coat I assumed. It looked exactly like Shions old coat. I looked at it and I could feel myself slightly shaking. No, this can't be part of his coat. I'm overthinking it. Nothing happened to him... right? I mean yeah I think it's been a few years but..

Shion POV
I was sitting next to my moms gravestone crying my eyes out. She never told me she was severely sick. Since Nezumi left, I'm now alone. Safu is gone, mom is gone, and Nezumi is possibly gone... I can't believe this.. this shouldn't be happening. My life is way too out of hand.. I need Nezumi.. I'm soon going to go crazy. I put my hand on the gravestone and stood up. I put my moms favorite flower down, a Shion flower. I then reluctantly took my hand off the gravestone and started walking back to my house. I cried all the back and when I stepped into my room I immediately fell to my knees and started crying harder. I saw a small razor near me and stared at it.
*Depressed Boy Warning*
I grabbed the razor and I could tell the sparkle from my eyes have vanished. Each mistake should be written on my arm. Not saving Safu.. not helping my mom.. not trying to get Nezumi to stay.. leaving little Shion.. I was so caught up in my mistakes being recited in my mind that I didn't realize that was arm was covered in cuts and blood. I dropped the razor and stared at my arm and what I just did. I ran to the bathroom and cleaned up all the blood. I could already tell this was going to bad.
*Depressed boy scene over*

Nezumi POV
I felt a slight pain in my arm and looked down. There was a small cut on my arm. "That's weird-" I then got that bad feeling again about Shion. I shook that feeling off again and decided. "You know what, I feel like it may be a good time to go see Shion again." I picked up my robot rat and put in a command to go find him and put it down. I see my rat go run off. I sit back down and sigh. Nothing is wrong right Shion..?

No one POV
Shion doesn't even think Nezumi will come back so he thinks he died and that broke him even more. After a couple days Shion has reached his breaking point. He can't do his work properly, sleep properly, eat properly, so now he has become super skinny, now has sleep paralysis demons, and sometimes breaking from reality. He can't be alone like this. He needs Nezumi. Nezumi will have a big surprise when he comes back.
588 words
I'm sorry if this isn't the best. I really don't know how to write.

I will wait for you.. |Shion x Nezumi|Where stories live. Discover now