I'm sorry Nezumi

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Shion POV
I sat on the railing overthinking a couple of things. I was grabbing my shirt crying and shaking. Did I really want to escape? Leave this world and possibly see Nezumi? I have no idea anymore. I could hear the wind getting faster and my hair was going all over the place. The thoughts in my head were making me go crazy. It was all in Nezumis voice which made it worse. I slid down the rail slightly so I was barely sitting on it. I was about to push myself until I heard a voice.

Nezumi POV
I somehow found that place when I saw the window open. Just like how Shion opened his window many years ago. I was blessed that the window was open and I climbed up the wall and went into the place and I saw Shion. My Shion barely sitting on the edge of the railing. I knew something was immediately wrong so I yelled out, "Shion..!" I see Shion turn around quickly and he has the most shocked face I have ever seen. He looked away from me and looked down. I then ever so barely heard, "I'm sorry Nezumi.." I was confused until that gut feeling kicked in again. I started to run over. As I was running I saw him slowly push himself off the edge..
228 words
Hah hah cliffhanger. I will make a bad ending and a good ending.

I will wait for you.. |Shion x Nezumi|Where stories live. Discover now