1. The Sorting Ceremony

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Disclaimer: I don't own TDP or HP

The Great Hall was lit up festively for the night. Candles hovered near the ceiling, which was bewitched to look like the starry night sky. The lights flickered above the heads of eager students, some of whom were sitting at their respective house tables. Other students were in line, waiting impatiently to be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts Houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Callum watched nervously from the Ravenclaw table, bouncing up and down in his seat. His friend and fellow housemate, Claudia, put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"It'll be fine," she said soothingly. Callum blushed and, for a brief second, forgot the jitters he felt.

"Thanks," he replied, giving a small, bashful smile back to her. She gave a bright grin in response.

The reason Callum was so nervous was because his younger brother, Ezran, was being sorted today. They'd received his letter last summer. Since then, all Ezran could talk about was Hogwarts this, Hogwarts that. He hoped he'd get sorted into Hufflepuff, just like his late mother. That was what made Callum so afraid. What if his younger brother got sorted into somewhere different? What if it was Slytherin? How would he react?

Finally, after a girl named Ellis was sorted into Gryffindor and had taken her seat next to a white haired girl at the house table, Opeli called out Ezran's name, reading it off the scroll she held.

Eagerly, the young boy stepped up to the stool to take his seat, clutching his grumpy faced glowtoad, Bait, to his chest. How could Ezran be so confident? How was he not nervous? Was he scared but just not showing it?

Ezran continued to smile as the withered, patched up Sorting Hat was placed on his head. Callum shut his eyes tightly, waiting for a response. He didn't have to wait long.

Within what was perhaps less than a minute, the old hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!" at the top of its voice. In response, the Hufflepuff table stood up and cheered as they welcomed their new house member. Ezran skipped with happiness and excitement to the table.

Callum cheered, too. And so did Claudia. "See!" she nudged him gleefully. "What'd I tell you? Nothing to worry about!"

Afterwords, the final few students were sorted, and the feast merrily began.


Hello everybody! :D Yes, this is a Harry Potter themed TDP scenarios book! And yes, you can request one! Here's how it will work, you can either request a scene from HP but it's Dragon Prince themed (Example: The Harry and Ginny kiss scene with a few changes and it's Rayllum), or random scenes that are not featured in the books or the movies, (Another Example: A cute scene of Diagon Alley shopping with Ezran, Callum, and Harrow). Hope this clears things up!

I hope you enjoy! :) <3 Feel free to request anything you want! As long as it's not Lemons or Smut. And make sure to comment it rather than pm it.

Also, cover art was done by me! :)

TDP Themed Harry Potter One Shots (Requests Open!)Where stories live. Discover now