Park Jaehyung

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You sit across from your crush, Jae, who asked you to meet him at this cafe. It was small and homey, which was something you liked a lot. You and Jae had been friends since elementary school, but really nothing more. You guys talked here and there, but it was all kind of mutual. So the fact that he asked you to go somewhere with him was already odd enough, but to a cafe that could be seen as a dating spot? You knew something had to be going on. Was it possible that he liked you back?

"So Y/N, what do you want from here?" Jae asked.

You look at Jae, startled out of your thoughts. "Uh, I don't know...I'll just get whatever you get, I don't care."

"Okay." Jae smiles.

There's an awkward silence for a few minutes between you two. Jae just keeps his eyes out the window, at the cars on the street, obviously lost in thought.

| After a while, you guys finish up your drinks and head out of the cafe. Jae takes you to a lake not too far from the cafe, only about a mile or so. What is this, a date? You wonder to yourself as he leads you to a white gazebo surrounded by beautiful flowers of all different colors.

Jae gestures for you to sit down and then accompanies you on the same bench. He looks around the lake and then looks straight to you.

"Everything around here is so beautiful." You say.

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you." Jae says without hesitation.

You giggle shyly. Jae stares into your eyes and you stare right back, slowly more absorbed in his presence as the minutes pass by.

Without taking his eyes away from you, Jae says, "Alright, I gotta be honest," he gives you an affectionate smile. "I like you."

"I like you, too, Park Jaehyung." You respond.

Jae looks at you in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yes." You respond.

He laughs. "Well, I know that we've known each other for a while and have really never been more than 'just friends' but I really wanted to change that and to be honest that's why I asked you to meet me at that cafe earlier, and then I brought you here just because, well, it seemed romantic enough to tell you how I feel."

"Well, it is." You agree.

"So," Jae continues, "I was wondering if-"
Your phone suddenly vibrates. You check the screen, and see a text from your mom telling you to come home right away. "I'm sorry Jae, I have to go." You give him a quick side hug and run off, leaving him sitting there without finishing the question he was going to ask you.

| "Mom, what was so important that you interrupted my date...with...Jae." You gaze at the scene before you. There are things all over the floor, broken plates and random pieces of paper scattered everywhere. Cabinets are open and everything looks like a disaster.

You call for your mom again, assuming that she'll answer this time. When she didn't, you rushed upstairs into your parents' bedroom and found her asleep in her bed.

"What in the world..." You mumble.

"Stay still." You hear a voice from behind you and follow its directions.

A figure moves next to you and the person then stands in front of you. You look up at your brother, possessing the same smirk on his face that he always has.

"Wah, Dongmin, what did you do?" You ask and lightly hit his shoulder.

He lets out a laugh and shushes you. "Let mom sleep, you can be mad at me downstairs."

You roll your eyes as he guides you downstairs into the living room. "Did you make this mess? What sort of prank is this?"

"Yes, and I texted you from mom's phone. A girl your age shouldn't be hanging out with boys." Dongmin says mockingly.

"Dongmin, I'm 18, I'm old enough to be going on dates." You stop yourself from hitting him again.

"Sorry, noona." your brother says mockingly.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have someone I need to go back to. And clean up this mess! You're 13 years old, and you're still making messes as if you're a toddler! What's mom going to say, there's broken plates and what seems like everything on the floor! Jinjja!" You almost shout.

Dongmin frowns. "Sorry noona, I just wanted to have fun."

"I'm going, bye." You storm out of the house and have to stop yourself from slamming the door behind you. You go back to the lake with Jae, and force yourself to smile. He gets excited as soon as you walk into the gazebo, and hurriedly says, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You stop, taken aback by his sudden question. Is that what he was going to ask earlier? You wonder. "Yes." You say eagerly.

Jae smiles widely at you. "Yay, finally, you're mine!" he puts his arms around you, holding you in the safest and warmest hug you've ever received in your life.

You laugh, hugging him tighter. "And you are, too."

alright so that's all for those ones i was thinking about adding more stories, kind of like different plots and things like that? idk ill consider it anyways hope you enjoyed the story ladies and gents

enjoy your day <3

ps shameless plug time~ sub to my youtube day6isdancingking

link to my most recent videos sry i get lazy and don't always upload theres not really a schedule

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