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While the girl finally slept soundly, Gilbert wasn't able to sleep at all. He felt responsible for protecting and guarding her, and the only way he could adequately complete that job would be to stay awake. Once she would wake up in a calm state, he would ask about what she had been so terrified of, and hopefully she would remember something.

Thus, when the sun shined in the cloudless blue sky, Nanalie began to stir. Her eyelids began to flutter open, revealing her deep violet orbs, slightly reddened as a result of the tears she shed.

"Good morning." The dark-haired man said quietly and sweetly, brushing her thick bangs out of Nanalie's eyes as she sat upright. 

"Good morning." She whispered in response. Seeing the girl's calm, stable condition, Gilbert tightened his grip on her shoulders slightly, though with no intention to cause her any pain.

He furrowed his dark eyebrows in concentration, gazing at Nanalie intently. "Can I... ask you something important?"

The young woman blinked and nodded, looking at him with curious violet eyes.

"Do you remember your nightmare?"

After her eyes widened in surprise, she looked at her fingers sorrowfully. "Yeah..." She mumbled. Gilbert brushed her bangs to the side again, his mere gaze asking for her to continue. "It was really dark and I felt like I was inside of... nothing." Her thin brows furrowed as she tried to comprehend the situation herself. "And then, I felt like... I had been stabbed. There was so much blood."

Tears begin to floods her eyes again, and that was the last thing that her caretaker wanted for her. His strong hand cupped her cheek as his thumb wiped the tear that slipped down her round face. 

"It's alright, you don't need to tell me." He assured.

However, Nanalie shook her head, her dark curls bouncing around her body. "I'd rather tell you." She surprised further tears. "The man at the shop appeared..." She could feel Gilbert's grasp tighten. "He asked if I wanted to leave and said to go with him and that he'll save me."

"But... I felt like I should turn around and run away and stay away from him at all costs. I couldn't move though. I was frozen. And then..." She remembered the particular moment in the nightmare as she met Gilbert's warm golden gaze. "Someone shot him, right between his eyes. He disappeared and I woke up." She finished explaining. 

Gilbert looked concentrated and appeared to be in deep thought, though he dared not ask all of the questions that flooded his mind.

"That man..." Nanalie began before the dark-haired man could speak. "Do you suppose he could tell me at least something about who I am?" Behind her pleading violet orbs, fear could be seen.

Gilbert sighed, softening his expression with a small, understanding smile. "Honestly, I have no doubt that he knows something about you. However, do you really want to hear what he says about you, and can you truly believe what he has to say?"

The young woman took a moment to think. "Do you think I should try to see what he knows?" She asked.

"It's your choice. But just know that I'll will be by your side and I will support you no matter what."


"Why are we here?" Nanalie asked, quickening her pace to stay close behind Gilbert.  He had led her to an area that didn't seem particularly safe.  The gray stone road was damp and the people they passed wore peculiar expressions.

Gilbert paused abruptly, causing the shorter girl to accidentally run into his broad back.  He looked a dark, eerie alleyway, appearing to be lost in thought as his golden eyes focused on a portion of the old, cracked ground.  There, a crisp brown stain was plastered, though it was unnoticed by the young woman who owned what had been spilt.


The dark-haired man returned to reality from his trance-like state, meeting Nanalie's concerned violet eyes.

"I'm pretty sure that guy lives somewhere around here."  He said, finally answering her question.

The girl hummed a response quietly and peered down the rather depressing gray street.  "What about there?" She pointed a small finger towards a rather large house positioned at the end of the road, almost befitting of being called a mansion.  Dull bricks lined the large walls, accompanied by a dark, pointed roof.  Though the building still possessed an eerie aura, it was different than the others of the old street.

"What makes you consider that one?"  Gilbert asked with slight confusion regarding her assuredness.

Nanalie shrugged, unsure of why herself.  "I don't know."

The tall man released a short chuckle.  "Alright, then."  Not questioning her any further, the two of them approached the large house.  Gilbert rapped on the door roughly, the smile cleaned from his face as they heard heavy footsteps approach the old wooden door.

The man's already icy orbs grew harsher when he saw the two standing on his doorstep.

"I understand why you're back, damn woman." The despicable, dark-haired man glared at Nanalie.  "But why the hell are you here?" He raised an eyebrow at Gilbert, whose usually warm golden eyes were dark and threatening.

"We have questions that need to be answered."  Gilbert growled.

A sly smirk played on the man's lips.  "Why would I answer any questions you would have?"

"Because I need to know who I am."  Nanalie finally spoke up to the spiteful man.  "And I know you know at least something."  She let her last word display the desperateness that her heart had.

"As if you don't know." He scoffed.  "You little liar have him wrapped around your finger, don't you?" He gestured to Gilbert, finally making him lose his temper.

In a remarkably swift movement, Gilbert forced his way through the doorway, forcing the still yet to be named man to the surprisingly clean tiled flooring.  "You will answer all of our questions."  

As her companion bound the man, Nanalie examined the dull main hall of his mansion.  A particular painting stood out to her, portraying the images of many men seeming to progress through a series of different eras.  Beneath the painting was an iconic, familiar name inscribed into a silver plaque, reading 'Glen Baskerville.'

The mention of such a name brought dread to the raven-haired girl, for she was very aware of the horrors and tragedies the clan has caused.

"Now, tell us who you are."  Gilbert's demanding voice pulled the girl's attention back to the two men.  The icy-eyed one had his hands bound behind his back with a frown now on his face.

He clicked his tongue in irritation, accepting his momentary defeat.  "I'm only known as the 'Doctor.'" He admitted.  "And I'm that damn, ungrateful woman's savior." He spat.

Confusion was obvious on both Nanalie and Gilbert's faces as they stared at the Doctor.

Suddenly, the Doctor burst into a sickening hysterical fit of laughter.  "You are so naive!" He raised his voice.  "That woman is just like all the others! She deserves to die!"

Gilbert walked towards him angrily.  His fists were clenched and his golden eyes were cold.  Though, the Doctor's next words froze the dark-haired man in his steps.

"She's a Baskerville!"

Abridged Ties (Gilbert x OC)Where stories live. Discover now