I'm sorry

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I'm sorry for being me
I'm sorry for being a burden
I'm sorry for saying my opinion
I'm sorry for being born
I'm sorry for breathing
I'm sorry for living
I'm sorry I couldn't be enough
I'm sorry I can't make you happy
I'm sorry for looking at you
I'm sorry for making you mad
I'm sorry I pissed you off
I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry I'll never be good enough
I'm sorry for the scars I've left
I'm sorry for the tears that have been shed
I'm sorry for the pain I've caused
I'm sorry for caring too much
I'm sorry I gave you my heart
I'm sorry for loving you
I'm sorry for meeting you
I'm sorry I thought I couldn't live without you
I'm sorry I'm not strong enough
I'm sorry for my broken promises
I'm sorry for you
But I can't change who I am
I'm not perfect
I'm human just like everyone else
So I can't be sorry for being me
I can't be sorry for you
There's a reason I am here
I just haven't found it yet
Life Will Go On and so will I
So I'm done saying I'm sorry
I'm done being people's toy
And I'm done with you
You can't control me anymore
When in reality you never could
You'll feed off of others
But eventually
they'll escape your grasp
And you will fall

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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