Can anyone save me?

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My alarm rang, waking me from my peaceful sleep.
Pfft yeah peaceful. Not with my room mate.
I checked to see if my asking alexandria posters were still intact.

My room mate was new. She was a whiny Christian, the type to bag out any sort of music I liked because it had screams.
"It's devil music!" She'd tell me
I've had to replace so many CDs and posters.

I quietly climbed out of bed. I needed my morning smoke but god forbid I leave the orphanage before bathing.
Such a strict place.

I slipped my lilac hair into a thick messy bun before slipping on an asking alexandria shirt and black track pants.

The floor creaked lightly as I tiptoed into the hallway.

Great.. People were up. It's only ten am.. What's wrong with people?

I scurried back to my room and slipped on my converses before silently slipping out the window.

I landed with a small thud on the wet grass outside. My butt hurt a little but I needed to get out before I got caught
My feet made quiet squishy sounds on the grass as I snuck out the back gate into the parking lot we shared with the convenience store behind us.

"Free at last!" I grinned
I entered the store, it was called quick n fast
I always giggled at that.
"Hey tony!" I smiled at my favourite cashier
He was a nineteen year old guy with sandy brown, medium length hair and pretty hazel eyes. We'd been on a few dates but decided it wasn't a good idea seeing as I'm only sixteen. Well tony felt weird about it, I didn't mind.
"Can I get a pack of thirtys?" I asked tony
He knew my usual cigarette brand and never bothered to id me, he was my friend after all.
"Sure thing Bailey" he smiled
I went to hand him my money
"Nah it's all good, on the house" he smiled
"Aw tony you're a great guy" I giggled

I know why he was being so nice. I'm totally not proud of it, but we have casual sex. No emotions, no strings attached. Call me a whore or whatever but I've only been with two guys and there's nothing wrong with liking sex. It's not like he's a random guy. He's my friend.

I happily took my smokes and ran out the front eagerly
I sat down next to some fancy car and took a smoke out, only just realising I don't have a lighter. I didn't want to buy a new one because I've already got one in my room.

A car pulled up and someone's arm was hanging out the window with a smoke.
I hopped up as the door of the car opened.
My jaw hung wide as I realised who it was.

Danny fucking Worsnop. Ben bruce climbed out of the passenger side.
I was a fan girl but I wanted to seem chill.

"Um hi, I was wondering if I could borrow your lighter?" I asked casually although my insides were screaming

"Yeah sure you can" Danny smiled
He handed me his lighter and I eagerly lit my smoke.
"Oh I see you're a fan" ben smiled as I handed Danny's lighter back.
"Oh, yeah. You guys are pretty great" I shrugged
"I'm surprised you're not pleading for an autograph" Danny laughed
"As much as I'd enjoy that I'm sure it gets a little boring. Like you're not at work, you're just at a shop" I laughed casually.
"Wow okay, that's a pretty cool thing of you to do" ben grinned
"Okay I might need to pester you two for a hug" I giggled
The guys both grinned and opened their arms for me. I happily hugged them both.
"Oh hey, do you know where the morningside children's home is?" Danny asked
"Oh it's right through that gate" I smiled, gesturing to my orphanage
"Danny's gonna get a kid" ben laughed
"Ew from there? Have fun finding someone, they're all so gross" I chuckled
"And how would you know?" Danny asked with a smirk
"Well I've lived there longer than any of them" I laughed
"Wait you're an orphan?!?" Ben asked with a shocked expression
"Yup" I shrugged
"But you're really cool" Danny gasped
"Doesn't mean I have parents" I laughed
"Yeah but you're not adopted!" Danny gasped
"That's because people want a cute little kid" I admitted
"Well you're cool. So how would you like to be adopted?" Danny asked

My whole world froze
Holy fuck

"Yes!! That would be spectacular!" I grinned
"Rad! Let's go do this then" Danny smiled

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